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Thank You, W3Schools!

This tutorial has been incredibly helpful in learning Git and GitHub. Keep up the amazing work!

- Regards, David Alves from Brazil

"I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6)

Dear w3schools,

Thank you for this tutorial and all you work! You doing a great job!

Regards jai2fb

Dear w3schools,

Thank you for this tutorial and all you work! You doing a great job!

Hello, Everyone!

Greetings by Hashan Athurugiriya from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰


Thank you w3school for sharing this great knowledge. Learned so much from you, and helped with my coding skills a lot.

Thank you for wonderful tutorial


Dear W3Schools Founders, Developers, and Tutors,

Thank you for saving lives all these years. Your efforts have a special place up above.

Regards, Muiruri from Kenya.

Hellow World!!

Sauti Was Here.

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

From Ukraine with peace!

Greetings from Odesa 👌

Peaceful sky to all of us

Hello from the UK

Thanks to W3Schools for the amazing tutorials

message from IcyJuicyBob (05/03/2025)

Keep up the good work, you are a great source of inspiration and knowledge.

Kind regards from Ivica

Sabac, Republic of Serbia

El conocimiento compartido es el patrimonio de los que construyen el futuro.

Omar B. Ramírez

Purén, Chile (El mejor pais de Chile)

Supers cours sur w3schools, un grand merci !

Meilleurs pensées de

First JavaScript

"May your all wishes come true!"


Thank you for years of accessible tutorials!

Hi from Barcelona! Thank you for the tutorial!

Skilled full-stack software developer proficient in core technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Well-versed in modern frameworks such as React, Flask, and Node.js, with a focus on secure and efficient database architectures using MySQL, MongoDB, and Postgres. Experienced in deploying and maintaining applications on platforms like Vercel and Render. Strong problem-solving abilities and a commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions. Effective communicator and collaborator with a passion for continuous learning and contributing to cutting-edge projects in a dynamic team environment.

"No mud, no lotus." - Thich Nhat Hanh"

I grow in mud!

Finally, I have figured out how fork works. I am very happy!

Thank you so much W3Schools for this Amazing Git and GitHub Tutorial where I learned so many things.


I'm stucking here, but it seems ok...

Thank you!

Hello from ZA.

Thank you w3schools for the tutorial

U talking to me?

hovering flips

Josep Méndez 👋

Palma de Mallorca / SPAIN


I want to thank our mothers for taking care of us.
And also W3S for allowing us to learn new skills for free.

Remember that the road called “tomorrow” leads to a city called “never”

.-. . ..-. .-. .- --.. .----

Hello from Ukraine

thank you W3S, this tutorial has been paramount to my understanding of Git.

A Huge Thank You to W3 Schools!

Keep shining, and keep teaching the world!

- A grateful coder

A big thank you to W3Schools for the invaluable resources, and to the creator of this brilliant card flip idea! from Niger, "Mun gode" !

Survoler pour retourner


Gremah Mahamadou

vive le Niger/AES

Aliance des Etats du Sahel

Monastir, le 01-31-2025

Thank you W3 schools for the great resources, and also whoever came up with this card flip idea

Hover to flip

Logan 👌

Indiana / US


Thanks for all various courses of W3S !!!

hovering flips

Dariusz Larsen 👍

Warsaw / POLAND


Thank you W3 schools for the great resources just started learning yesterday im kinda getting it now, and also whoever came up with this card flip idea!!!

Hover to flip

Logan 👌



Hi, This is Anuj

Soon, going to be a developer

Hope the transition from Competitive Programmer to a developer will be smooth and amazing.

Thank you!

Hello from Lithuania 2025-Jan-22

Thank you!

Hello from NYC where congestion pricing is now in effect!

Thank you, W3Schools

Hello from Nairobi, Kenya

Thank you!

Hello from LV.

Thank you!

Greetings from Sweden/Stockholm! Thank you so much for providing a great resource!

Kind Regards

Dejan Marlovic

Thank you!

Hello from India😀

W3 thank u guys for your resources!

I'm from Colombia. I'm learning how to code with Python on your Website, getting into Git&GitHub, and SQL as well.

I'm aiming to become a Back-End Developer. I'll get there! So thanks for your help!

W3, thanks for great tutorial

Happy to learn and get better using these platform



I just started my full stack developer journey and thanks to w3schools i am on my way to making the career switch because i am gaining all the skills i need.

Please keep up the good work, we love it!

W3, thanks for tutorial

It's been much appreciated.

Regards, Ibim

Hello from Iran

Thank's a lot for efforts!

Amirreza Karimian

Thanks for the tutorial.

Amazing tutorial, I appreciate it.

Best Regards, Janne

Amazing Stuff W3School, I enjoyed working on Git and Github. You guys made it happen.

Keep up the good job.

Love from Nigeria.

Micheal Avackaa

"Thank you W3Schools for the amazing Git tutorial!"


Thank you so much w3schools! , thanks to your immense resources I have been able to learn a lot

- Ernest (A)

Real madrid is winning the 24/25 Laliga and UCL

Arsenal Will win the premier league. Gunners!


For Git Tutorial 👍

hover to flip

Raymond Surin 👋


Developed on Monday 2024/12/23


For Git Tutorial

Hover to see me



Emmanuel (from the streets of Abuja, Nigeria) was here and is compelled to express he's gratitude to through a virtual kiss for this wonderful opportunities to learn git and github effectively. Thanks! [CHEERS]


You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough

-- Mae West

"Thank you for the wonderful introduction to Git and GitHub!"

Manh Khai from Vietnam


Thanks for the Tutorial!

LePandolfo is here, to record his gratitude with W3.

Rosa says: Let's Git it!

Hello World! 👋

Thank you W3Schools!

I'm grateful for the interactive learning experiences that are provided on the platform.
This was a great and really helpful tutorial on Git and GitHub!

from Germany

"Thank you guys for the wonderful introduction to Git!"


Thanks for the tutorial (paedu-77)

CrissSerrano from Mexico

"Hola soy Kevin Martinez :)"

Xin chào!




Jose Angel

Hello world from mexico

Saludos desde UTEZ 2024

Thank you w3schools for this nice tutorial !

"Holaaaaaaa" Gracias.

"Human beings are free; it is in this freedom that life finds meaning." Thank you, w3schools! from saeed.

Mi nombre es Aylin, que viva Black Pink y el creador de este tutorial

Inserte mi mensaje aquiii

Only love will bring peace among us! Greetings from binyamin hazoom! 💗 😀 💗

salam dari bekasi

Great tutorial w3schools, I learned alot. 27-Nov-24

Thanks for this tutorial, from Tester.

Thanks for this tutorial, from Ghana

"A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. - Arthur Schopenhauer"

I am ArthurBYE!

I am immensely grateful to w3schools for teaching me Git! Without your resources, managing version control would be a difficult journey. Thanks to you, I now manage my projects confidently, navigating branches and commits like a pro.

Thank you, w3schools!

Greetings from Germany!

My favorite color is GREEN. I love it more than BLUE and YELLOW combined.

I am from TamilNadu.
Chennai is the capital of TamilNadu. Welcome Everyone to visit Chennai, atleast once in their lifetime.

Thank you for your excelent training, chris.

Hello world! Thanks for the Intro to GIT!

Thanks for this tutorial

Hi, I am Asim from INDIA.

Thank you for your excelent training, chris.

Same message as above from Garv Malik

Let's GIT it on!

If you don't know, now you know!

Greetings from The Netherlands!🇳🇱

"Hello! (Muraho!). Gedeon from Rwanda, and The Gym Rwanda.
Visit Rwanda hhhh Amahoro!"

Gedeon from Rwanda.

Thank you for making the hard stuff easy to understand and fun to learn!

Helloww world !! 🐰

I love spending my time on W3Schools :3.
Here, the way they explain things is so clear that even the hard stuff become easy and fun to learn ! Thank you for existing W3schools <3 <3.

Mickael from Madagascar
22nd Tuesday October 2024

"Programming is not about what you know; it's about what you can learn."

- Abelson & Sussman

Message From Ryan Hopewell





Hi from Andrian Wu

learning step by step everyday

Life is too short

live her with the way u are

Hello There!

Message from Husam

Hello from the Jordan!

Greetings from Warsaw!

G'Day from Australia!

Thank you for making the hard stuff easy to understand and fun to learn!

Hey i'm currently lear git!!

One step at a time.
No need to rush.
No need to be anxious.
Just dive in.

Hi from Gemma in Sheffield, England 🙂 😸 😀

I wanted to get back to the basics this is very helpful to understanding git

I learned git for fun one night. Then I taught 2 friends how to use git for a unity game.

Sometimes in life I feel competitive

Thank you soo much W3School for everything
And thank you very much Fabián for your super lettering trick!!!

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar,.

🇱🇰 Hello From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
❤︎ W3Schools

Greetings from Philadelphia!

Hello  from  Germany 
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ thx 4 the great tutorial

Thanks w3s.
I finally see those things I just could not quite get before

Carl from Boston

Thanks W3Schools for everything!

Prabhjot Arora from India ❤️

Hello everyone, here a funny knowhow: Did you know that camels have 3 eyelids to protect their eyes from blowing sand.

Hello everybody, Really enjoy learning from w3school especially this git/github course, Keep up the good work, diffusing knowledge around the world


"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Hello, I am Michael

Writing from Oetwil, near Zurich

Thanks for your tutorial! It was great to learn from.

Taofeek From Nigeria. So Excited for the completion of this Git and Github Course

Vamos, todos tenemos errores y el no perdonar es causa de tantas tumbas sin flores


Eat 🍴

Sleep 💤


Repeat ♻️

The journey of a programmer begins by one keystroke or two or...

Hello from Faiz

Hello everyone! Greetings from Anna.
W3schools, thanks for great tutorials!


God Bless you all!
W3schools thank you!


Great guide. Thanks for the tutorial.

Gusztav from Hungary 2024.09.09.

Greetings from the Coded Writer

Hello Everyone! I'm glad to be contributing to this and I commend the w3schools team for putting together this comprehensive tutorial.

Hello from Uzbekistan!

Great Tutorial! Keep up the good work ... Cecili 2024-09-06

6R33T1N65 FR0M C0L0M814!!

Thanks to W3Schools. This git course was easy to learn and informative.
Happy learning everyone. Sean from Texas, US.

Hello, this is Atakan from Turkey.

September 4th, 2024.

Praveen India

Thankfull to W3Schools💖

This tutorial really help to clear my confusion about git and gitHub.

Greetings, I'm Mubashar Khalid from Pakistan

Thank you W3 Schools for creating such an awesome course. Thanks a lot .


Hello, I have nothing interesting to add, so Hi!

"Life isn't for enjoying. It's for exploring.."


Hi there, just saying hello from Ecuador

land of mountains and jungle and nice people :)

Hello, everyone I am Soly Coulibaly

glad to contributing.

Hello, everyone I am Akash Barahate

glad to contributing.

So far i had great learning experiance on this platform. I want to thank you for providing such content for free.

Hello, everyone. I am Moshiur R (moshiurr007)

Message from Vivek.

glad to contributing.

Message from Issac

Hello Guys, I am glad learning github from W3 Schools wesbite

“Make it as simple as possible, by following W3Schools.”

Artem Shush

just learning git, thank to w3school
Hello, I am learning git!
Hello from re-learing git basics!

Hello! Enjoying every bit of the Git tutorial!

Thank you very much!!!

that is my change

thanks for the tutorial

Learning github contributions

I don't know HTML send help
hello w3schools is very good for learning coding
msg from pondy fff
Hello everybody! Thanks to W3School!

Hello from Bangladesh


Thanks for walking me through how to use Git and GitHub!

- myrsine549

Hi guys, I am from Rwanda

We should keep on coding guys. It's fun.

From EJ

I am currently learning Rust and need to revist my skills on Git and Github from w3schools
Sorry, i am not a front-end developer, i would have added a bad ass effect here

Thank you for an incredibly helpful tutorial!

Roheem Wasiu Adewale

"Sometimes it pays to stay in bed on Monday, rather than spending the rest of the week debugging Monday's code."

From Nigerian

coding from home

Thanks a lot w3school, from Deep

Hello, W3school

I am Ofurum from Nigeria

W3School has aided in my journey so far, thanks so much.

Thanks a lot for whole thing, it is awesome

Greetings, I'm Mohamed Adam from Sudan

Thank you W3 Schools for creating such an awesome course. Thanks a lot .

Greetings from Brazil

Thanks w3schools

For making developers life much easier!

Hi, w3shools

Hello i'm from Kerala

Hello, my name is Roelof from the Netherlands!

Thanks w3schools

For making developers life much easier! >

Thanks w3! <3

Thanks a lot W3Schools !!!

Your Tutorials have played a pivotal role in my S/W journey since 2009.

Thank you for providing such a great platform for continuous learning.

Thanks & Regards,

Sunil Mohan

hello from iwn

Thanks for the great tutorials W3Schools!

You guys rock!

😍Hello, I am from India

Thanks w3schools

For making developers life much easier! >


Greetings from New Zealand!
W3Schools is the best!


Greeting from Slovakia !
Thank you for this helpful tutorial

Thanks w3schools

For making developers life much easier! :)>

Obrigado w3schools

Otimo tutorial para galera aprender muito do git e GitHub!!

The year is 2040, and humanity has achieved what was once thought to be the stuff of science fiction: a manned mission to Mars. As the red planet reveals its secrets to the pioneering astronauts and scientists, an unexpected discovery sends shockwaves through the cosmos—a message from Mars. Discovery and Deciphering During an exploratory mission on the Martian surface, the astronauts stumble upon a mysterious artifact buried beneath the iron oxide sands. Initially thought to be a natural formation, closer inspection reveals it to be an ancient, technologically advanced device. Embedded within its crystalline structure is a series of complex patterns and symbols. The excitement is palpable as the team realizes they are on the verge of uncovering something extraordinary.

Great tutorial, easy going, recommend doing every step showed.

github presentation

Greetings from Chilee.

Thank you W3Schools.

for such a great platform for learning.


Hugs from Brazil

Taking this tutorial on 2024, and it still's helpful.

Erick Chaves Barreto

You're A Life Saver <3

Grateful for all the lessons, both big and small.The best way to learn "w3"

Mostafa Mabrouk from Egypt!

Thanks W3S

Hello World from Space

Flamengo is the best Futebol team

I'm La Rocque, greetings y'all!


This is Mateen From India

Thanks W3C ! from Ash

Hello, Hala Madrid, support Real Madrid, watch football and enjoy coding!

Thank You

Dear W3Schools, I want to express my gratitude for the incredibly informative content you provide. Your resources have been invaluable to me.

Best regards,


This is a test from Juha from Turku, Finland!!!

Hello World!!!
My name is Minal.

Thank You W3schools.

Your Tutorials have played a pivotal role in my Web-Development journey.

Thank you for providing such a great platform for learning.

Regards, Rian.


W3Schools GitHub Test by Kwanghee


"Thank you w3schools for providing us what we need in web development journey."

Shariq Yousuf from Pakistan

Siema, co tam? Byku, jak dziś forma? Wszyscy nagle tacy piękni, jak na bilbordach

heyyyyy! here's a chonky cat: ❤ from nour


Hi, David here from the Island of the Philippines

Philippine Flag Philippine Map (1974) Includes islets in the West Philippine Sea

I appreciate the W3Schools for providing clean tutorials for learners like me.


Hello everybody! Thanks to W3School!

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial on git and github

Hello everybody! Thanks to W3School!

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial on git and github

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial

if you believe you can damage believe you can fix it,

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Solukbenizli was here, thank you w2school :))

Hello everybody! Thanks to W3School!

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial on git and github

"Perfection is not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exuery

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial

Thank you W3 for this helpful tutorial on git and github, I learned a lot.

"Be patient. All things are difficult before they seem easy."

Oussama Bensaid (5/14/2024)

you are hero

Thank you for allowing me to contribute to your project

Hello from Sydney, Australia!

Thanks for being a godsend during my academic studies a couple years ago!

I don't know HTML, so this is probably going to look ugly.

Rodolfo S.

Hello from Germany

thanks for the great tutorial

Hello from Israel 💕

thanks for the awesome tutorial

Spread kindness!

Hello from Sri Lanka 💕

Thanks for the awesome tutorial for w3School

hello ladies

'Be kind, it's my first try.' -JDB
Thanks W3 School!

Sir Jax

"Git some!"

Fabricio Ezequiel Marçal

João Monlevade-MG, Brazil 2024 - Long live programmers

W3Schools is the best
web developer site.

This is best way
to use your time!

That was much easier than expected, thanks to w3schools!

Bastien C


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

"Michael Bami Ayobami was here."

Thanks to w3schools for their relentless free training courses. They are so helpful

"Keep calm and keep code"

message from Jonathan Guevarra(4IS1)

I'm learning Git, I like South Park, and I like puns, so my message is:

Go On, Git!

Nice journey , Thanks a lot <3

Ebrahim Gamal

Great tutorial! thanks aAlot!<3< /h1>

Dvir Zayde

I wish everything was as easy as getting fat.

Arthur Pan

“The earth has its music for those who will listen.” — Reginald Holmes

message from hossein navabi

“The earth has its music for those who will listen.” — Reginald Holmes

message from Vishal Singh

Thanks a lot for the helpful tutorial! :)

Hi, I am Amin Nadi Pour and i'd like to say git commit -m "hello world"

frenzy from A basement, i have no idea what im doing right now.

Fiuh! Finally I am here. It's a long journey.

Hi! many thanks for the course, and the introduction to Git!

ps.: Love from Hungary! -glvcsmt

"One Day or Day One; You Decide..."
- Brian Ike

C'est la vie! Et c'est vraiment drole.

Hey W3schools; ur the best <3< /i>


Thanks for this course💗😎

hello I'm Vijaykumar, Learning about git from w3schools

Happy Coding!

"difuwlllllllllllll is coming"

Nothin' beats being GUTS!

"Push through the pain. Giving up hurts more.”

- Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z

Thank you w3 schools for the learning space

Jerry was here.

Learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript (not done yet) and now Git.
It's fun! One Month in and i got a lot in my Head already. Can't wait to get deeper into everything.

Thanks fellows. See you on the top

😄 A Little Humor 😄

Hey W3Schools! Your tutorials are like a fine wine—improving with age, but sometimes it's just easier to borrow the corkscrew! 😜 Thanks for the code snippets! P.S. ChatGPT had a good laugh too!

- Rubii/AEM

Hello I'm Felix from Kenya a student at Karatina University!

I'm thrilled to be exploring W3Schools.


Hi, I'm Emilio from Argentina! Currently living in Patagonia, so lot of mountains and lakes over here.

What an excellent tutorial is this

"The obstacle is the way", just keep going!

That was a so cool tutorial! Thanks from Brazil!

Jean Nóbrega (Brazil)

Thank you for your lessons w3schools

KRasta Smoke (Russia)

W3 school is a best place to get rid of tutorial hell.

Learning git practically makes me grasp concepts easily ..........!

W3schools Git tutorial ❤

Sweb was here ~ Thanks W3Schools for teaching me a lot of things !

"Saluton el Usono! "

"Mohammed Mofreh! "

let the CONSISTENCY be with YOU !

- jedimchik (05/03/2024)

Great experience with Git tutorial! Hello from Romania!

Thanks very much from Kevin in Taiwan for this helpful Git tutorial

Vielen Dank W3!!

Thanks very much for this helpful Git tutorial

Hi ! Fellow human ! Hope you're having a great day.

Message from Leo D'Hotman (Mauritius)

"I've started from html. Then I've learned css and also JavaScript. Now I'm learnig Git & GitHub. At this momment I feel I'm fall in love with w3shools tutorials."

- Gobindo Chakraborty from Bangladesh

"I am gonna copy Max's message."

"This page is meant to be available to everyone and this poem does not match that tone.
Please change it to something more family friendly."

~W3schools 19/02/2024

~Max 13/02/2024

~Yash 26/02/2024

This is Johenx. This is fun

Hello World.

Hello from Czech Republic!

W3 Schools always delivers great help! Peace to all!

Anvedi come balla Nando! W3School ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ u!

hello hello hello!

Every soup eventually turns into mushroom soup.

"This page is meant to be available to everyone and this poem does not match that tone.
Please change it to something more family friendly."

~W3schools 19/02/2024

~Max 13/02/2024


"My motto: Small but certain happiness"

Continuous Learning is key to success!

W3 Schools is a great place to build an understanding of basic web development skillsets.

Hello everyone 👋

My name is Liza and I am from Ukraine!

I am learning GitHub, and I'm going to be a Python developer.
My respect W3Schools, and thanks for the awesome tutorial!



Who am I and who could I be

That which you most wish to find will be found where you least want to look.

Dedicate yourself to one or two things single mindedly and you will become unrecognisable in 6 months, all the best. /br Carlson I.

David from the Netherlands

Thanx w3schools for all the amazing tutorials!

"Everyone is at least a bit nosy, isn't it ?"

-Kuromi chan


Jai Shri Ram

Talent is nothing without hard working - Cristiano Ronaldo

Subroto Kumar is the Best place to Learn Web development

My message to the world is you are wordering where to start learning front-end development w3schools is the best website where you get everything you need.

Samson Githinji

My skillset: MERN Stack | Python | SQLAlchemy

Hello from Uzbekistan

"Nothing is more active than thought, for it travels over the universe,
and nothing is stronger than necessity for all must submit to it."

When you're feeling overwhelmed with a task just take a breath, you'll probably find it easier once you come back to it.

Greetings fellow learners from greater IRAN!

You are now reading this line.

The seven cities of love became Attar

We are still at the corner of an Git tutorial

Hi from Japan

"Everything is going to be okay in the end.
If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Hey earthlings!

Hello world!

Hello World from Space

This is the first file in my new Git Repo.

This line is here to show how merging works.

This is the first file in my new Git Repo.

This line is here to show how merging works.

Hello World from Space

This is the first file in my new Git Repo.

A new line in our file!

Hello Git

Hi All!

Learning Git has been an invaluable experience, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to deepen my understanding of version control. I'm excited to explore more now that i know what it entails.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this course interesting to undertake. I look forward to connecting with you all!


Akpos Sakpere

Jonathan was here on 2024-01-27

Hello, world!!

I'm a computer science student from Brazil.

Hi everyone! All the best for your git learning journery (Nithin, 24-01-2024)

Hey it's me Vipin Karma, Hope you guys doing well

Greetings from Georgia ❤ Thanks for an amazing course

Hello Wroldddddddddddd from Temi, I really appreciate this very well thoughtout course

Greetings from Man7788, enjoy your learning!

Thanks for a wonderful tutorial

Call me Pzipegasus

Finally, Learned git and github was struggling since many days.

Hello from Kurdistan! Grateful to W3Schools for their fantastic tutorials! ❤️‍☀️‍💚

Hello everyone,

Greetings from Oded S.

Thanks to W3Schools for a very helpful online course.

Hello Developers!

I am Arshad from Pakistan, wishing you success in your journey.

The Git Tutorial is very simple and easy to understand, thanks to w3schools for such a great work.

Hi, I am
Farhan Reza

time is limited...-Anonymous

Hi! i am shohidullah

I'm a student from Bangladesh

Hello! I'm Nathaniel (innCoding Tech Hub) from Nigeria

With heart filled with gratitude i'm saying a big thank you to w3shools Team for the incomparible Tutorials


Hi everyone I'm kevin from Perú and I just want to say don't give up! The effort is worth it! (09/01/2024)

llama Peru


I'm a student from Brazil

I wish luck and prosperity to all of you! <3

Hi Everyone 👋

Welcome to this wonderful programming world 🙂

programming Img

const  aboutMe = function( )  {

    return  {

         name :  'James B' ,

         position :  'Self-Taught-Junior Dev' ,

         Github :  'ordoabchao8' ,



Hi, introduce myself!!!
I'm Tri, from Indonesia
Thanks to W3Schools for the tutorial!!!

Hello EveryBody

Thanks to W3Schools team for all !

AlexTree, Belarus, 21-12-2023

This Tutorial is awesome, I am geatful to W3schools

Hello fellow developers 😁😁😁 - Wilson from Vietnam 🇻🇳

Hey and greetings to you all !!!
Thanks to W3Schools team for such a great tutorial.!!!
Rudra, India

Hello Everyone! How are you?

I am a Developer from India.

I hope you all have a wonderful future!


I'm Ariadna, thanks for this amazing tutorial

keep Learning 😊


I'm Yisak from Ethiopia.

Wish you well in your journey. 😊


I'm Swathy ,hope you suceed in your respective careers

keep Learning 😊


Don't expect path to success be paved in marbles. Comfort makes us lazy and weak while troubles makes us strong and powerful!

Sulsiperis, Lithuania

Kilroy was here

♥ Domík z Prahy 4.12.2023 ♥

const  aboutMe = function( )  {

    return  {

         name :  'Yassine Essaouri' ,

         position :  'fullstack-developer' ,

         Github :  'EssYassine' ,



Taran Mesala
              Hey guys
              Am Taran, am happy to share my note here.
              am a versatile person with a unique blend of skills like Programming,
              Web-Development,and Graphic-Design.
              Feel free to reach out.
              Instagram: __im.john.__
              LinkedIn: Taran Mesala

Thanks for this awesome tutorial!!!

spiderman saying thank you in spanish while eating a donut

Adr1Est from Madrid - 28/11/2023

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

-Tim Notke

Thanks for this amazing tutorial

JS best

"Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end"

Keep learnig guys.

- Misbah from Bangladesh 20/11/2023

Thanks for the awesome tutorial! Greetings from Chicago.

wooooo yeah baby thats what i've been waiting for, this is what its all about...


Hello future programmers! 😀

If you're reading this, you are almost done with this tutorial!

Keep going and follow your dreams!

Thanks to W3Schools!

- Gaby from Bulgaria, 15/11/2023

Inserted my message

"Keep going guys. I belive we'll make it one day !"


We did it!

Great job everyone.

Thanks a lot for the tutorial!

Hello and greetings to you all !!!
And thanks to W3Schools for the well organized Git tutorial. Cheers !!!
Jouko, Oulu, Finland


One more time! until perfection!

Thank You!
I sincerely appreciate W3Schools for their wonderful content, which has been incredibly helpful to me in my learning journey.




hie guys wish you well on your coding journey

One Love

"We are the champions, my friends"

Freddie Mercury

Why did the developer quit using Git? Because they didn't know how to commit. - Mr.ChatGPT

This is my Comment!!

My family loves my comment.

My friends love my comment.

My cat loves my comment.

My dentist loves my comment.

My doctor loves my comment.

My neighbors love my comment.

I hope that you also love my comment.

Leave a comment about my comment.

Keith R.

Hello Community members

New change

This is the best tutorial for me to complete my project with my team in my university. Love it!!!
- Bùi Quốc Triệu

One of my most productive days was throwing away 1,000 lines of code.
- Ken Thompson

When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, then look to those who have been given less.


"So excited to finally truly learn Git"

Ulises Machado


"So excited to finally truly learn Git"

Ulises Machado



hi this is best beginner friendly git/github tutorial on internet

Finally finished learning Git thanks to you !! lets go for html css ...

Hello W3Schools! Thank you for the awesome tutorial.

by lanshead from Russia.

Good work Keep it up.

by Waqas from Pakistan.

Thanks for the tutorial!

Hi W3Schools!. Thank you for the awesome tutorial. Yasiru from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 :)

Hello W3Schools! Thank you for the awesome tutorial.

by lanshead from Russia.

Thanks for the tutorial!

Hi W3Schools!. Thank you for the awesome tutorial. Yasiru from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 :)

Hello from Uzbekistan!


To all my IRANIAN friends

Terminal v1.01

$> .\Thank.exe
$> Loading Thank.exe...

Thanks for the great tutorial! :)

Press the Any key to exit

Take control of your life!

Hello world !


Take control of your life!

Hello world !


Why i love pumpkin seeds?

The reason why I love pumpkin seeds could be attributed to their unique combination of taste and nutritional benefits. Pumpkin seeds have a pleasant, slightly nutty flavor that many people find appealing. Additionally, they are a good source of nutrients such as protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium and zinc. These nutritional benefits not only make pumpkin seeds a tasty snack but also contribute to their popularity as a health-conscious choice.
Furthermore, personal preferences for certain foods can be influenced by cultural, familial, or individual experiences. Perhaps you have positive memories associated with pumpkin seeds from your past, or you simply enjoy their crunchy texture and versatility in various recipes.
Ultimately, the reasons for loving pumpkin seeds can vary from person to person, but the combination of taste, nutrition, and personal preferences likely plays a significant role in your affection for them.

In this short story, I expressed a deep attachment to pumpkin seeds, emphasizing that their taste brings me pleasure and joy. They have become my weakness, and I always carry them with me to savor their flavor, even on long journeys. "I love pumpkin seeds" has become not just a phrase but a life philosophy for me, highlighting my fondness for this delightful snack.

This is an amazing tutorial! From India!.

I'm zizo, from Libya.

I'm Yohannes Molla, from Ethiopia.

This is the best Git/GitHub tutorial ever!

Thank you,!

I was P.L. from Hungary. Cheers!

J.RobertoAnirudra Adhikary

In a tranquil village, a wise old man named Aiden shared a timeless phrase: "This too shall pass." When a brutal drought struck, some followed his counsel while others despaired. Those who listened persevered, conserving water and maintaining hope. Eventually, rain returned, reviving the land and the villagers' spirits. Aiden's wisdom taught them that life's challenges are temporary, a lesson they held in their hearts forever.


Hello My Name is Radhika Shaktawat

Love all of your hard works, W3schools <3 <3 <3
=== Vietnam - 9/20/2023 ===

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1

Good content as always!!

Love w3school and school 21 (Todd1s)

Good content as always!!

Thanks from tion. Keep up the good work!

Love w3school and school 21 (Todd1s)

No niin!

Hello from Serbia!:)
Thanks W3Schools for their work
BlackPerico <3


Hello my fellow Georgians! :)

a message from justcallmeroybert

Thank you for the Git tutorial! - JG 2023

Hello from UMMAN2005 <-< /p>

-> UMMAN2005-dən Salam

Hello ! Great tutorial! Thanks

Hello! Amazing website. All things in one place. Thank you 10-10-2023

Hello! Amazing website. All things in one place. Thank you 10-10-2023

I am dngebremedhn from Tigray, learning Git and Github

I am learning forking here. Thank you w3schools for allowing us do this.

Having fun learning Web Development with w3Schools!!!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 NIV

Hello from Kurdistan! Grateful to W3Schools for their fantastic tutorials! ❤️‍☀️‍💚

Hello everyone from Russia!

Thanks w3schools's team for this and other tutorials!{>_<}

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Albert Einstein

Hello World!!! from primeakash

Hey! all people

Hello from IRAN! Thanks W3S for amazing tutorials!

Future developer, MMP




Torilla tavataan.
I'm Rybo and im learning Git from

Erm, yes, i don't have any idea what i should write.

I don't know much about html so i won't make anything fancy like the others.
Thank you.

you are in my chair!!

hello from Israel!
     I'm learning git, nickname in discord is: Gater777

"its a great tutorial, thanks!"


eu estive aqui!!

agora é sua vez.

por: Ana Laura IFC-2023



Thank you for the Git tutorial! - JG 2023

Diana e Isabeli



Pires passou por aqui, beijos

IFC 2023

é... até que é legal

J.RobertoMateus Rosa

The sound of the waves is the best soundtrack in the world.

Ago 15, 2023

Brazil, SC.

J.RobertoMateus Rosa

a felicidade é uma borboleta, deveríamos pegá-la enquanto dançamos.

Ago 15, 2023


"Se ame mais!"

Iza Espanhol

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

I'm just trying to get my life together

J.RobertoMateus Rosa

Não importa o quão poderoso você se torne nunca tente fazer tudo sozinho, caso contrario ira falhar. Uchiha Itachi

Out 31, 2023


"Se ame mais!"

Iza Espanhol

Afsar UDDIN 😎

Thank you for amazing possibility to learn! People and Robots become closer to each others! 🦾❤️💪🏻

Santa Rosa do Sul


Muito obrigado pelo tutorial, W3schools! Joédio Borges Jr. -> Araranguá-SC / Brasil

só sei que nao sei, assinado: Rohzeu.

Amanhã é meu aniversario!

Oi todo mundo

J.RobertoMateus Rosa

O Superior passou por aqui

-Guilherme Ritter

Ago 15, 2023


ola pessoas

I'm becoming a pro volleyball player!!

mötley crüe muito pika

mötley crüe, melhoir banda do mundo rapaziada 🇧🇷

o frio é psicológico, ass: Riter


This is Sasi Lagisetti

జీవితం అంటే నిన్ను నువ్వు చూసుకోవటం కాదు, నిన్ను నువ్వు రూపు దిద్దుకోవటం.

A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.

Am I doing this right?

Hi Mom!


Se é Gaucho meu?
parararara pararara ...

por que não?

J.RobertoMateus Rosa

Faith in God that he is fair, Hey brother never forget, on guard, warrior raise your head trout, wherever you are, however it may be Have faith because even in the dump, flowers are born - Brown, Mano

Ago 10, 2023


Olá todos do w3schools e deste repositorio!,
Eu agradeço a sinceramenta a w3schools✨ for all their amazing and clear tutorials, it has been a humble and exciting path learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and now Git & GitHub.
Eu desejo a todos um boa apredizagem

- Henrique -

Juntasso com os crias do W3school... 😁🤙

Yuri Franco, Brasa

"Cuidado que ai vem o saci."


"Sou linda, me amo"


"OMAGA, também te amo"


Thank you for the course! - Analogkeyboard

Thank you w3schools! The fact I can learn Git for free online is legendary. You guys rock (Also thanks Bina for showing me this cool html gradient thing!). If you see this, call someone you love and tell them so <3< /b>

- Wesley V. Kirchner. Brasil(08/08/23)

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Hello W3SCHOOLS and Everyone that are taking this path,
I sincerely want to thank w3schools✨ for all their amazing and clear tutorials, it has been a humble and exciting path learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and now Git & GitHub.
I wish everyone the best and all happiness,

- Albert Nikolli -

Thank you w3schools! The fact I can learn Git for free online is legendary. You guys rock (Also thanks Bina for showing me this cool html gradient thing!). If you see this, call someone you love and tell them so <3< /b>

- Matt, Northern Ireland. (08/08/23)

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Hello Everyone!. Thanks W3SCHOOL for teaching us all Git and Github .

"i'll leave tomorrow problems to tommorow's me." -Saitama

Thanks for the tutorial!

Bina, Ukraine


Hello Everyone From India. Thanks W3SCHOOL for teaching us all Git and Github .

Thank you for making GIT and github easier

Parceros, parceros, como andamos! Gracias a w3school aprendí como usar git, y se lo agradezco mucho

"Thanks for these simple and effective tutorials."


Hi there! Greetings from Poland.

Hello, greetings from Stuttgart

Simon, Germany, 31.07.2023

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein


❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Here's my favourite quote by Dave Grey that has kept me going through out my web dev journey: Remember to keep striving for success over perfection and a little progress everyday would go a very long way.

🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 Casmir - Nigeria (Wed 12 July, 2023) 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬

I had loads of fun! Thanks w3schools! 💕

being part of my life


I took a life changing decision this year to learn web development and w3schools has been my back bone ever since. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely appreciate the team members of this platform and I'm saying a big THANK YOU! to you all ❤️

Here's my favourite quote by Dave Grey that has kept me going through out my web dev journey: Remember to keep striving for success over perfection and a little progress everyday would go a very long way.

🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 Casmir - Nigeria (Wed 12 July, 2023) 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬


"Hey y'all from Georgia, USA. Learning git is fun!"

¡Saludos de Ezequiel desde Argentina!

Thanks for all your amazing tutorials!

"Greetings from Hope in Nigeria"

"Hello from Uzbekistan!"

I had loads of fun! Thanks w3schools! 💕

On their 3rd coffee, Julia

"Hello from DR Congo👋🏽"

This week i did my first push from git to github, i am so happy

"I learn a lot from here. Thank you!"

Ben Yuen 05/07/2023

Thank you 3WSchools for teaching me Git and GitHub.

Techie from 2023-07-11

Слава Україні - Slawa Ukrajini - Glory to Ukraine

Diana Demska 03/07/2023 (and btw thank you Chris for style and support for Ukraine)

Thank you so much W3Schools. I am so grateful to be part of this

Sic parvis magna! Thank you, W3School! 07/06/23

Thank You!

thank you for your tutorial (30/6/23) by Eli Borodach

thank you for your tutorial (29/6/23)

Thanks you

Windy - VietNam (03/07/23)

  • Thanks for the tutorial!
  • In fact, thanks for all the tutorials!
  • Learning a lot from you!
  • Greetings from Brasil!

Rafa Santana, 29/06/2023 💚

thank you for your tutorials!! (Tetsu, 29th.June.2023)

thank you for your tutorials!! (Dewan, 24 july.2023)

Great Git tutorial from w3schools. Thanks!

BP 25.06.2023

Thank you for the tutorial!

Greetings from France!

Thank you for your support! (Bruno, June 21st, 2023)

Monox Val

Thank you w3schools 💖

The best teaching materials are those who encourage hands on learning. Teaching about git and then allowing people to Pull Request to your repository it's a magnificient idea.


Hello from Nepal

Thanks for the tutorial.

Thanks for the tutorial.🥳

Thanks for the tutorial! (Alex, June 18th, 2023)

P.S. A joke about GitHub from Bing Chat:

"What do you call a GitHub user who likes to merge branches?" - "A git-together."

Love From china.aaaa!!!!

Hello world!

Thank you W3schools for giving everyone the opportunity to learn how to code!
Thank you so much for this tutorial 🥰

Thank you for a very nice tutorials.

- AbbanDabo

Thank W3Schools for a very nice tutorials.

It's a pleasure to study with you.


"Be patient. All things are difficult before they seem easy."

Saadi Shirazi (1210-1291)

Thank you W3schools for giving everyone the opportunity to learn how to code!
so many tutorials ... so much to learn ... so awesome 🥰

Greetings From Peru🦙

Martin Alvarez - June 08, 2023

Thanks w3school for letting us get access to your amazing coding courses. I learned a lot from you.


Doudou Fall -- Senegal

Ross was here!

Ross was here!

Thank you for the tutorial!

Stefan Anica,Romania.

Aleksei wants his name on the wall too!

Thanks for this awesome tutorial,Just loved it

Jambo,Karibuni Tanzania na tunasema Hakuna Matata!!!!

Your Brother in Code
2023, April 09

W3S! You Rock!

Artem Ulyanov, Israel

Run, Forrest, run!

GoodMorning From India

"Learning from the best! W3schools lets go!"

Claudius Seven

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Thank for showing how easy programming can be. -Caius

Nice tutorial.

Alert Messages

Click on the "x" symbol to close the alert message.

× PAX has learned well from the tutorial if this alert box populated in INDEX.HTML - thank you for the gift of learning

Thankyou W3schools for this course

Filmon from Eritrea

Thank you very much for your high quality tutorial.

Thanks for the Tutorial...😇

Suman Shaw, India

Awesome tutorial on Git & GitHub!

Keep up the good work W3Schools!

Hello from Brazil!!

Best Git tutorial on the Internet ever!!!

Brandon, Vietnam.

Thank you guys for this tutorial :)

Ciao! Sono italiano e è abbastanzo bene!

W3Schools tutorials have been a great help in my endeavors in learning how to code; they are very recommendable resource!

Andres Hung - Belize

Thanks w3schoools for greate resources you have realy made my programming journey from the beginning easy. Am still using your site and i will to upgrade my knowledge

Greetings and Salutations from the Great White North,
though our snow has just melted away,
so the Great North!!

Your Brother in Code,
2023, April 09
Friar Gregarious, Canada

Muchas gracias w3schools✨

En este sitio he aprendido mucho de programación y realmente estoy muy agradecido por las personas que crearon y mantienen este sitio tan especial para los desarrolladores

"Really this tutorial made the git and github interesting for me! Thanks For This Tutorial"


- Kingshuk Bansal,Punjab,India

Thank you for your simple and informative tutorials! I've learned so much, so quickly, thanks to W3SCHOOLS

Keep up the great work devs.

‐ Vick, Kenya

Thanks for your tutorials!

Danh from Vietnam.

Thanks for your tutorials!

Zeeshan Malik.

Appreciate the tutorials! They don't teach Git in my classes so I'm glad W3Schools is a thing. Greetings from Arizona, USA!

Leon - May 12th 2023

Thank you for all of the hard work and support dear W3 School ! ❤ ❤ ❤

I have learnt so many things from w3schools.Thank You so much for all.

-Nashit from India

Nice high level tutorial!

- Paulgorithms

Thank you very much for this tutorial!

-Eddie from Tanzania

Thanks for the tutorial!

* Tom Sparham *

( 0 _ 0 )

Good Things Takes time, and programming/web development is a good things

* Learning WevDev Geek *

( 0 _ 0 )

This is great!!

Thanks for the tutorial from Nic

Thanks for this great tutorial.

Thank you for this tutorial!


Fasza Tutorijál!

Great tutorial!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks for this lesson!!

Thank you very much for this tutorial!

-Alex from Greece

Great tutorial for beginners!

Love from XS

Amazing tutorial. If you wanna learn git check out this tutorial.

Abdurahman AYDIN From Türkiye

One of the best tutorial! and stepwise practice.

Prashant Soni

Well done tutorial on Git!

Git Tutorial  at

Herbert M.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday, March 19th, 2023

KLE was here.

Nice tutorial!

-Mac Snow

Great tutorial that I have recommended to friends. Very clear, we directly work with examples and the exercises are well done. Thanks a lot !

Aline C.

Thank you for helping us learn and understand code.We appreciate it - Love, Thabang Kubheka ,South Africa

Thanx w3chools from Kaprun!

Hello, Kedar from BLR!

(This msg is added by Aadil Shaikh) Holly Molly!!! This Worked!!

Francisco Almeida

Thank you w3schools 💖 (12/03/2023)

Student in Computational Engineering at the University of Aveiro (UA) Portugal 🇵🇹.

"Thanks for this tutorial, it was really insightful."

Saüc Abadal

What Theodore said below! I thank him for his code as well 😇

🤘 🤘

Andreas, Athens, Greece

Thank you for the the tutorial, Greetings from TURKEY :)

Thank you w3schools for this awesome tutorial on Git & GitHub!

This is PT from BD

" Really grateful for providing such a great and easy to follow tutorial.
W3School Tutorials have guided me a lot in my journey. Thanks a lot"

Sahil Wani

Mumbai, India


Thank you w3schools for this brilliant tutorial.

Sandrine, from a sunny snowy Stockholm (Sweden)


" Really grateful for providing such a great and easy to follow tutorial.
W3School Tutorials have guided be a lot in my journey. Thanks a lot"

Sahil Wani

Mumbai, India


Just a message.

It feels so cool to be able to contribute a message to a public page through code. Thank you for the clear tutorial! Michelle :)

Best tutorial!

Thank you,! Didier Michel

You made one of the best tutorials on this subject.

Programming can be seen as evolution on steroids — some handy and attractive code or idea is reproduced with slight modifications, and this post is no exception.

Thanks, Theodore from Athens and everyone who replicated this code before!

Thank you for teaching me how to use Git and GitHub. - Taryn

Thank you for this easy tutorial, -Ivan Tendou

Thank you for this wonderful course!

🤘 🤘

Paul BRIAN, United States of America

w3schools tutorial rocks!

🤘 🤘

Theodore, Athens, Greece

Thank You w3chools for this tutorial

Inno-Waluza From Dowa, Malawi @265

Thank you so much W3 School for your great tutorials.They have really been helpful.
Onesmus from Kenya

Thank you for a hands on tutorial on how to fork!

This is Arjun from Hyderabad, India 🇮🇳

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott


Great tutorial and learnt a lot about Github - Kausik.

This Heading I added Just 4 the Learning Purpose

A good tutorial to learn Git and Github - KV

"At the heart of Git is collaboration And collaboration is much easier with w3schools!"


Thanks for this tutorial.

"Thank you for this tutorial, and this amazing learning platform." -- Ivan from Berne, Switzerland.

Well orgainised content for learning Git and GitHub - Rohith

" Thank you for all these amazing and easy to follow tutorials.
If W3Schools wasn't here to guide me, i'm not sure i would have gotten to where i am now.
Thank you. "



"Thank you for this amazing Git tutorial. Exactly what I was looking for 😇"

-Niq from Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹


Taraji Grande Amore

"One of the most interactive tutorials I've had the pleasure of working with!"


- Carlos, North Carolina, USA

From Debabrato

Really Nice tutorial

02 Feb 2023

From Dinnkun: good tutorial!

Yeah i kinda copy it from the bottom

23 Jan 2023 10:52


Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Yuma, Arizona, USA

January 20, 2023


it really is a nice idea


Feb 2, 2023

Best Tutorial i made so far, thank you!

Philip-Daniel Ebsworth, Germany.


This was the best tutorial I found so far! Kamron.

Tashkent. Uzbekistan


Thank you for having such a detailed tutorial on git, most of other stuff I found was just commands!

Groningen, The Netherlands.


Moroccan Developer 🇲🇦

Thanks a lot W3Schools for such a great Tutorial. i'm Mustapha NI from Morocco, Foum Zgiud I truly appreciate your efforts. And this is my first open-source contribution. You really make us feel proud...

Mustapha NI - Morocco, Foum Zgiud

"Stop staring at your conpuper and go out and play! Your eyes and your brain are going to thank you!"

-Your lovely mother

"The best tutorials are always from W3. Thanks so much!!!"


I am so delighted with the provision of this helps learn git and gitub very easily.

"Magnificent tutorial! Thanks!!"


Moroccan Developer 🇲🇦

"Thanks a lot W3Schools for such a great Tutorial. i'am Imad ZR from Morocco, Mohammedia ( weld lekbira - casablanca ) I truly appreciate your efforts. And this is my first open-source contribution. You really make us feel proud..."

Imad ZR - Morocco, Mohammedia

Keep Rocking w3schools!

Juan Jimenez from Aguascalientes, Mexico.


Best Git Tutorial Ever


"Great tutorial for a network engineer, Thank you all"

Sadik Turgut

"Simplicity is the ultimate SOPHISTICATION"

Leonardo Da Vinci


I really appreciate all team members that has worked together to make a meaningful and useful website for everyone who wants to learn web development and programming. I have learnt alot from and really appreciate them very well

Marvelous Innocent Nigeria

"Great tutorials, I'm enjoying and learning a lot. Thanks W3schools"

Cheers from Brazil

Hello from Brasil!

Daltro Oliveira Vinuto

Thank you for this tutorial!


Thank you for this tutorial!


Great Tutorial , thank you.
Great Tutorial , thank you team w3schools.


Happy to be here

By Nick Phaita +254

Great Tutorial , thanks W3.

"Hello World!"


"Thanks a lot W3Schools for such a great Tutorial. This is the easiest & concise Git Tutorial I've ever seen. I truly appreciate your efforts. And this is my first open-source contribution. You really make us feel proud..."

Mustakim Alam Moon

"thanks so much w3schoools for the great tutorial."

Sheriff Oladimeji

"Cheers guys!"


Thanks for your lesson! Tushar

Cheers from Lviv.


Welcome TO Beautiful country NEPAL

Thanks for the awesome Git tutorial W3schools!!!

Never gonna give you up, -JSON

Thank you W3Schools, I got 3 HDs and 1 D in my final.

Sick tutorial! W3 is a super awesome site.

Connor from Florida

Welcome TO Beautiful country NEPAL

Thanks form Hem Raj Bhatt

Thanks for who created this website.i learn a lot from this website


Great tutorial.

Thanks for the nice introduction to Git!


Hola Amigos, happy learning

hello have a great year.

Cheers from Serbia.


There are those who can see,
those who can watch,
and those who can learn.
Congratulations to making it on this page and learning everyone.

Hola mundo desde mexico

Esto solo son cambios superficiales

Cheers from Krakow.


Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

W3SCHOOL has helped me a lot with its contents. I heartly thenk you for that! specially for git tutorial.

Thank you for your lessons.
Bulat from Bashkortostan, Russia.

Thank you for your lessons.I learned a lot from u people
Sathwick ,India.

Thank you for your lessons.
moonlight999777 from california.

Thanks for your lesson! Luc Van from Viet Nam
My open-source contribution - thank you to w3schools!


Thank you for the tutorials!

Keep Learning -BelowSeaLevel

Thanks for your lessons! Enoch from Nigeria.

Love is the only thing that matters.

From Carl in Guatemala

Thanks for the tutorial.

Have a beautiful day, friends!

That was awesome!

Thank you from DenVR


This is just a chapter, not your whole story. ♥

- CaiXinRu, Taiwan

"Happiness is only real when shared"


"W3SCHOOLS is great plateforme to learn code."

Thank you!

"Cindy, internship, research paper, all the best things in the world."


"My first open-source contribution. PROUD!"


Thanks for your lessons! Andrii from Kyiv.

Thank you w3schools for the fork tutorial..from Maddy

Thank you for great tutorial.🙏


Rahul from India

Thank you W3Schools! You have helped me the most in my learning journey!! You are a blessing!!!

~Love from Anshul, India

The most helpful git tutorial on the internet :)

From Khaled Amir, Egypt

W3Schools paves the way for new developers, thank you for all your efforts

"My open-source contribution. PROUD!"


"My first open-source contribution. PROUD!"


Thanks a lot for all your efforts. Thanks to you world becomes a better place!


Talha has been here.

Talha, Pakistan

Thank you for this tutorial!

Tendai, Zimbabwe

Thank you fro tutorial

Artem, Ukraine

Thanks from Karabagh, Azerbaijan :)

Jalal Rahmanov, Azerbaijan

Inserted message

No positivity, no negativity. Just an insertion.

Thank you for this tutorial!

Filip, Serbia

Quote From Dostoyevsky

Especially Turkish Tea

“I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.”

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Thank You W3Schools ❤️ for you lovely support, carry on 🤘🤘🤘🤘 Love from India.

- Vaibhav Yadav, India.

"Hello World!"


what a tutorial! :)

Thank you so much , Ali,IRAN <3

Take one step at a time,
never stop learning, and...

Never give up!

I've learned many things from you.

Thank you family!

Всем добра!

Спасибо за учебу!

"Doing 1% of improvement every single day"


This is my first contribution with any github fork. thanks a lot for this

W3School always gives a simple and clear explanation which is easy to understand

Best wishes from India, always roXx .

~Naveen, India

Hi I'm David From Indonesia, Thank you very much for this tutorial

Thank you very much for this tutorial!

Mubarak Mayyeri was here

Thanks to w3schools and Git

Thank you very much from Romania

Mihai Neagu

Good work

Hakuna matata (!:!)

Coding is not an easy thing to do, but we'll keep trying, learning and improving till we become great, so far we dont give up.. 😊 😊

Lovely website.. Thank you very much for this tutorial!

...Stephen from Nigeria

This tutorial is wonderful, I learned everything I needed.

Thanks from Brasil.

Nice tutorial!!!

Amazing tutorial!

Thanks a ton :)

I finally did it guys !!

On my way becoming software engineer! Thanks for this tutorial !

Best wishes, Cosmin .

Thanks for Fork tutorial


W3Schools is the main school!!!

I appreciate the team

Best website where you can improve your developer skills



Sami - Algeria

Thanks from Middle east


i really learned from this website. we hope to add more tutorials like flutter .

Thanks from Morocco

With Love From GoldCoast - Pizzosta

Thank you very much for this tutorial!


Thanks a lot!

Great tutorial on Fork and Git.
keep it up.

From Bangladesh, to W3Schools, so much thanks
for turning the hardest topics into so easy ones to learn! Please add more tutorials because your tutorials are the best!

hello from migoilee 2022 :)

W3schools is so COOL! The tutorials is easy to understand which may disable language barrier!

Thanks from China

W3Schools is really make programming education great and easy to understand

Thanks from Indonesia

Thanks to W3Schools for its simplicity

Thanks from India


Thanks from China

💖 Thanks from Thailand! 💖

💖 W3schools 💖

Thanks to W3Schools for its simplicity

Reza Sajjadian from Iran

Just trying out the github tutorial


Awesome GitHub tutorial!


Thanks for the tutorial W3schools. 😁

John K


Thanks W3schools from Georgia!

Just trying out the github tutorial


Thanks for the tutorial W3Schools. It's great!


Why w3school is awesomme?

W3schools is one of the best online ressources to learn computer science .It gives you a clear roadmap troughout your journey. It has a great editor , good documentations for almost all programming language.

Thanks W3schools for your support.


warm greetings from Ukraine

Thank you W3schools for all the great tutorials

Hassan Rasoulpour


If you think math is hard, try web development.

Mansoor Alamyar from Afghanistan.

Thank You W3 Schools


I enjoy W3Schools Tutorials on Web Development.

W3Schools has helped a lot of people (incl. myself) to learn Web Development easily and comprehensively.
Thank you and one day, I hope to help more people.

-HBO, Lagos Nigeria.

" I'm happy about learning in W3schools. I would tell others about it in the future."

Thank you W3SCHOOL

Coding is not just writing a code it is an art of life!

"Thanks for this tutorial. It was really helpful"

Maria Djadi

I'm a student from São Paulo, Brazil.
I'm Happy learning Git and Github

Vinícus :)

Want to learn new tech skills? Always w3schools was the first tutor to start

Thank You

If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. -Abraham Maslow

Great tutorial, thanks !

"Hello :)"

"Great git tutorial, you the best. Thank you!"



We learn for the fun!

Truth hurts!

Are you so idle that you are reading these messages? You are still far from getting a job. Spend your time on learning.

I like the message above

I like the message above even more!

W3School, a platform for beginers,

Et une plateforme pour les personnes expérimentées!

Daniel Mofor sends Love and Gratitude,
From Bamenda, Cameroon.

Greetings from NYC!

Appreciating for the great tutorials

Very thanks, W3Schools

W3School keren!!!

JazakAllah for this. May Allah bless you :)

Thank you w3schools for the tutorial!

Samuel from Panama

Code long and prosper!)

Me(28%) and Spok(62%)

Thank you for providing free education to everyone! These free resources are invaluable to so many people, including myself.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"


Hi all

I like w3schools tutorials on web development

w3schools helped a lot to learn web development easily and comprehensively

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


w3schools is the best

Thank you, from israel!

What a great tutorial!

Thank you for everything ❤

Tôn Thành Tâm

"I learned a lot from W3Schools, Thanks"

Thank you w3schools for your amazing tutorials


From Kenya 254!

Thanks for the tutorial. Y'all Rock!

Thanks W3Schools

The tutorial helped a lot.

Amazing tutorial! Thanks a lot w3schools!!

This course is informative. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick introduction to Git.

"Thank you for the tutorial :)"

Hey frind!! nice tutorial, thank you

Thanks W3Schools!"

Your commitment to education is very impressive!

Thanks W3, great tutorial!

Thanks for your tutorial!

Thank you w3schools


Raju Kumar S

love from India!

"Thank you for great tutorial!"

Best Resource about Git

"Thank you very much for this tutorial"

Abdulmumin from Nigeria

Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler - Albert Einstein

Sanjeeb from India(Hyderabad)

Thanks for your tutorial!

Peter Nguyen from VietNam

Thank you very much for this tutorial

Thanks for your tutorial!

Alan from Vietnam

Welcome to Vietnam!

"Thank you so much for the tutorial!"

You are the Best

"Easiest and most useful tutorial"

Thank you

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Great tutorial thanks w3schools

Thanks a lot W3Schools.

Mudabbir Hussain Momin from India

Thanks for the git tutorial. It really helped me understand the system better.

Ali Rihan

Thank you w3schools 💖

Computer and Systems Engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University in Egypt.

"Thank you for great tutorial!"

Best Resource about Git

Aakash Dinkar made this commit

Have a Nice Day!!!

Razvojno okruženje

Make Peace not war! Love eachother.

Thanks for the tutorial! Cheers.

Coding is Fun!!!.


again after 1 year.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston S. Churchill

Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler - Albert Einstein

Be kind to everyone, and you will live a happy life!

Your tutorials are so clear lots of love from zimbabwe 💖


Thanks for your tutorial! I'm learning Git, Github and HTML all in 1 tutorial.

Nik from Malaysia

Yet another great tutorial

AllanK from Turkmenistan 1.5.2024

w3schools is a great resource thank you.

~Brandon from Japan


Where there's a will there's a way.

Everything is hard before it is easy


You really make my day, TYSM :)

- Hoang Quoc Vjet -

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."

Steve Jobs

"There is no try, only do!" - Yoda

Love from Vancouver, Canada

W3Schools is absolutely the best. Love y'all <3

Love from Richard Zhang

W3Schools is absolutely the best. Love y'all <3

Love from Fadlu Lanre

Love from Abeokuta, Nigeria.

W3school has always been my mentor! Lots of Love🦾

The self learner on W3schools

Please update more tutorials

Love from Bhutan.

Let's learn together from W3Schools💖

- Abhishek from India

Danke por el curso :D"


" In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not. "

From Khuong Nguyen

Thanks W3 School for all the amazing tutorials!

Love from SB

Thank you w3school

Love from Bangladesh

Thanks to w3schools for their well structured and detailed tutorial and th e reason why we are all programmer

Hello from Luxemburg :)

Thanks for all these great tutos !


Thanks W3 School for all the amazing tutorials!


Thanks W3 School for all the amazing tutorials!

Love from India

Thanks W3 School for all the amazing tutorials!

Love from India

Payal Dhakad


Eles mesmo

Thank you for the tutorial W3school!

Don't forget to laugh and drink water..

Ncha! -miyaavkatz

Thanks W3School for the amazing tutorials

Ahmad from Pakistan🇵🇰


Thanks for the tutorial W3 School!

Thanks for the all amazing content

Harsh Goyal from India ❤️⭐

"Hello, this is Kei"
Thanks for the awesome learning platform"


"This is Raj Maity"
I have learned git and github from w3schools"


lots of love from india

front-end developer

i'm not styling it too much coz i feel lazy when i'm writing this

"W3schools has really helped me get into coding free of charge.
I am eternally grateful for your knowledge."


Made with ♥♥♥

Quang Tran

"Thank you w3schools!! You are awesome"
Thanks for the awesome learning platform"


Thank you for everything!

I am really grateful

Thank you for everything! payal dhakad Date:1/06/2022

I am really grateful

Thanks for the tutorial W3 School!



Learning git and github...thanks W3!

W3 School helps me. Thank you W3 School!


"Thank you W3 School!"


Thank you w3schools for all the wonderful tutorials!

I have learned a lot from your tutorials.

kingcong was here 04/26/2022.

Please support

"Thank you!"


Thank you


Hello w3school Community

I look foward to working with my first collab on github

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Elon musk

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Thanks w3schools for such a great course on Git/GitHub

Love from India💖💖💖

~Rishabh Sharma

Thank you, W3SCHOOL

Thanks a Lot! Javier. From 🇦🇷 🇦🇷 🇦🇷

Argentina, 17/04/2022

Mac Green Bear

Git'in in gear with Git and GitHub...thanks W3!

"Learn Something in Everything & Learn Everything in Something"

~ GB, 13 April, 2022

Thank You W3Schools💖

"Learn Something in Everything & Learn Everything in Something"

~ Rio, 13 Mei, 2022

Thank You W3Schools💖

A journey of a lifetime begins with a single push request.



Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.
~ Micheal Scott

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

W3schools is doing a great job involving everyone learning on their platform. Keep up the good work

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."

-Albert Einstein

Entry: 30 Mar. 2022

Thank you so much for your great Job!
I learned a lot on the w3school website and i will go on learning!

"I'm a third-year student at my university. Hoping you guys will pass the DSA course at the first time you study it"

theksbd - 2022-03-27

"I don't know html and css yet so im copying mira's :)"


"Learned a lot about git and github. Thank you:)"


In case of fire 🔥

  • git add
  • git commit
  • git push 😉

This is so cool! I appreciate the free service.

Samad (@shaiksamad ). Nellore, India.

Thank you for the great Git tutorial!

susan kh, 2022, thanks w3schools <3

Hello there! w3Schools helped me a lot in learning everything Greetings from Tunisia!

hello worlds & w3schools

Thank you for the great Git tutorial!

susan kh, 2022, thanks w3schools

In case of fire 🔥

  • git add
  • git commit
  • git push 😉

Thankyou, w3schools. I learned a lot from this site.

Samad (@shaiksamad ). Nellore, India.

The Git tutorial is very brief, clear and easy to understand, although my English is not really good. I'm so grateful to W3Schools 😍


Tùng Vũ, 14/03/2022 22:10


Thanks W3school

Dakar, Senegal - 15/03/2022 12:05

The Git tutorial is very brief, clear and easy to understand, although my English is not really good. I'm so grateful to W3Schools 😍


1/06/2022 1:00


Thanks W3school

Dakar, Senegal - 15/03/2022 12:05

My favorite classic games

  • Castlevania
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Excite Bike
  • Halflife
  • Neverwinter Nights

Quiviro Enquerre

Hello😍 there! w3Schools helps me alot, in my Web Development journey

Deepak Yadav

❤️ from India

Thank you w3schools for this great Tutorial

Elias Hayek, 12/03/2022 17:24

One can Learn from youtube Videos, but learning by reading and implementing is the BEST. And that is provided by W3SCHOOLS Platform that even for FREE . Thankyou very much For you Hardwork for providing free and best content.

Keshav, 12/03/2022 10:35

You are AWESOME!!!

QA OLY, 09/03/2022 16:45

Thank you for share your knowledges

Daniel Josue, 07/03/2022 16:10

Abdullah Nisar Ahmed Gorar 07/03/2022 12:00pm

Tomorrow is just yesteday in the future

Kevin, 03.06.2022

There is no Tomorrow ⏱️

Thankyou W3Schools💖

Слава Україні - Slawa Ukrajini - Glory to Ukraine

Chris, 03.03.2022 (and btw thank you W3schools for making all of these great tutorials!)

Thank You So Much Guys .

You Are Just Awesome - Tarik Mouhssine

Joan Vila Valls - 2/3/2022


There is no Tomorrow ⏱️

By MukeshGehlot;Thankyou W3Schools💖

Hello Reader

It's me Felix Obianozie on the terminal

...just wanted you to know that I was here on 25 Feb. 2022

Beginning a programming career with w3schools will be your best gift to yourself this year

Thank me later...

Grazie W3schools

Sei la nostra Bibbia

Scuola Meucci

Hello there! w3Schools helps me alot. Greetings from Iran

Gortaria de agradecer a w3scools pelo excelente tutorial de git e github tem me ajudado muinto, obrigado.

Andersson Gonçalves

Hello W3S!

Greetings from Estonia


Hello😍 there! w3Schools helps me alot. Greetings from Argentina!

Hello World!

Thank you so much for the amazing tutorial!

Greetings from Brazil.

Rudi, 20/02/2022.

Hello World!

Thank you so much for the amazing tutorial!

Greetings from Romania.

Lucian, 18/06/2022.

Random quote:

Once you stop learning, you start dying

The Github tutorial

the tutorial is really interesting and i love.

If I have learnt further it is by standing on the shoulders of w3schools.

Thanks for the tutorial! Greetings from Russia!

YR, Feb 6, 2022

Hello World!

Thank you for the tutorial!
LC- Feb 10, 2022

Allah Macedo

Estive por aqui

Grato pelo tutorial W3Schools.

Hello World!

Thank you for the good tutorial! Greetings from Korea.
Kaye - Feb 09, 2022

Howdy from Texas!

Thank y'all for all the awesome guides! I have learned about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and now Git from your tutorials! Cole McAnelly '24

June 6, 2022

Greetings from Ethiopia

Thank you W3Schools for this amazing tutorial! I understand how to navigate Git and Github so much better now!

Ermiyas Abate

Feb 6, 2022

"Thanks w3schools for creating this tutorial... I learned a lot!"

Tharinda, 06 Feb 2022

Hello😍 there! w3Schools helps me alot

Tahseen Ahmad Bhat

Kashmir (India)

Helped a lot for learning more detailed things about git.

Nova - 30 jan 2022

w3schools always helps me to learn new things.

Nikhil - 25.01.2022

"I leart a lot from W3schools"

Jaya 2.2.2022

✨Thanks to your tutorials among many others, an IT legend was born.✨

Be proud of yourself.
I am proud of you. 🍾🍷🍷

4ristokratka, Jan 25, 2022, Slovakia

This is such a great tutorial! I understand how to navigate git and Github so much better now!

Svetlana, 22.01.2022 USA

Working through your tutorials is always enjoyable! Greetings and thank you from USA

Jan 22, 2022

Thanks W3schools for this amazing tutorial

Hello from Iran

January 21 2022

Greetings from 🇧🇷

W3Schools, you contribute a lot to the professional growth of millions of people around the world.
Thank you!! 💚

João Paulo | Feb 28, 2022

Many Thantks to w3schools for their tutorials

Greetings from Argentina

January 20 2022

Many Thantks to w3schools for their tutorials

Greetings from Kenya

June 23 2024

Welcome All Joining to Programming World

 Thanks to all w3schools staff.👏 It is done incredible, amazing job.👍
My wizard was, is and will be w3schools. It is easy, attractive in w3schools platform.
Well, I can not resist temptation to program.😉

Darius, 19.01.2022 Lithuania

Hello World 😍
"W3schools has really impacted so much in my tech journey - Thank you"

NVEGS, 18th Jan 2022

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

And so do I, now, have the courage to take baby steps towards learning new things, exploring new domains and working together to conquer things I thought I couldn't before!

Happy to have started this journey of my own! :)

Ani14kay { 17.01.2022 }

Hello from Grenoble, France

Hello à mes camarades Data+ qui passeraient par là

AV, 17.01.2022

Hi Everyone! I am from Bangladesh

Mister M 15.01.2022


Thanks to w3schools for its great tutorials!

Sepideh, 10 Jan 2022

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

"I’ve learned a ton of useful skills from w3schools!"

Shawn, 16 Jan 2022

"I learned so many things from my school - W3Schools"

kushal 19.1.2022

"w3schools is best, providing amazing content"

kushal 11.1.2022

"w3s is helpful and amazing"

Risqi 9.1.2022


Ptaxan 10/01/2022

"Thank you for your amazing job"

Marek 7.1.2022

"This tuturial is so great!"

yzhouxc, 29.12.2021

Hello World

gittersweet from Indonesia

25 December 2021

Hello World

Thank you w3schools for your tutorials!

Peter | 24 Dec 2021

"Your are awesome W3school. You are my mentor."

Swalih t, 21.12.2021

"Learning to code is hard, but it's harder without w3schools."

Ekoorits, 16.12.2021

Thank you for this tutorial!


Sawasdee from Thailand

Thank you! for awesome tutorial w3school you guys rock!!!

Pone, 14.Dec.21

Hello, World!

A big thank you w3schools for serving this platform and making our life lot more easier

DCodingKid, 13.12.2021

I stole a style from India, but still want to say hello to everyone from Ukraine. Good mood everyone =)

Max from Kyiv

until the new year 11 days ...

Hello from INDIA. Thanks to w3schools for its amazing free git tutorial.

Abhay from INDIA

12 December, 2021

Thank you w3schools! I'm learning GIT for the first time!!!

David, 12,12,2021

Very cool tutorial! Nice and comprehensive! Thanks! :)

Martin, 12,01,2022

Thank you w3schools for this great Git tutorials 👍!

Dima, Kyiv, 09.12.2021

Bonjour de Paris!

Myla, 08/12/2021

Hola todos, saludos desde Cali, Colombia! 😁

Learning a lot with w3school!!!

Jaime, 12/05/2021


It's me :D

Wojtek, Dec 02, 2021.

This is my very first contribution and pull request 😁

Thanks w3schools

Amanda L, 12/02/2021

My very first contribution and pull request 😁

Thanks w3schools

Eren Yeager, 11/29/2021

Hello Everyone!

This line is my contribution.

Kean N | Nov 26, 2021.

Hello World!

QuangNhatPro a.k.a QNP.

Thank W3school for my web developer career.


Don't give up just because it's hard.

Youngboiz si tình | Keep it up.

Hello W3schoolers!

It's 11PM moutain time on Thanksgiving Day.

I'm learning Git and try to land my first job.

Thank W3schools so much for amazing content.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Thanh Pham | Nov 25, 2021.


This is my contribution to this project!

Gehmasse | Nov 2021


This is ikkim's contribution to this project!

ikkim | Nov 2021


Thanks for W3Schools

karim | Nov 14, 2021

Greetings all

From code-blind to be able to read html, css, js, python, c++ etc thanks to W3Schools

Thank you W3Schools

For those who are new at coding, W3Schools is the perfect first stop. Cheers!

Oby L Jr. | Nov 11, 2021.

Hello everybody!

Thank you w3schools!

Gery from Indonesia | Nov 11, 2021.

Hello All

Always keep learning.

SSSS | Nov 05, 2021

Hello everybody!

It is never too late to learn something new. ✨

You can do this!, happy learning. 🎓 📚

Thanks w3Schools for your great work, we appreciate it a lot. 😍

Artmen from Mexico | Nov 08, 2021.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for W3Schools.

Victor | 6 nov 2021

Thank you W3Schools!

Thank you for being such a great platform to learn from. I have started web development on the Beginning of September 2021 and after half a year with tons of hard work I can see it it paying off!

Davza | 5 Jan 2022

Hi everyone

Thanks for W3Schools.

Mez | Summer 2021

Hello All 💗

Welcomes You to W3SCHOOL Learning

Eden Lin!!! | Oct 25, 2021

Hello, World!;

Best learning website in my opinion

pinguxx28 | Nov 14, 2021

Hello All 💗

Welcomes You to W3SCHOOL Learning

Vinoth Kumar M | Oct 24, 2021

Hello from Kyiv, Ukraine.

A lot of THANKS for w3schools

🎃 Happy Helloween

Oleksandr Poliukh (🐝 BeeCamper ⛺) | Oct 23, 2021

W3School is the best!
Freddy K. | Oct 25, 2021

Lets go! My first Pull Request

Hopefully it gets accepted

Unit 02 | Oct 20, 2021

One of the best tutorial, i'm changing my career to IT sphere and i feel very excited, like i was born for it, i'm 30, thinking it's never too late. Wish me luck :)

Elvin | Oct 12, 2021

Git didn't make sense until I met w3school tutorial. Now I have got it all. Thank you so much.

Michael Jordan, from Tanzania.

October 19, 2021

"Never give up; Keep on."

Mohammad Ahmadian, from the Earth.

October 14, 2021

Sheeeeeeesh w3schools

Hope this pull will be accepted

Thanks for the great tools and exceptional support. At age 67, you make it easy to still learn new things from w3schools!

Bruce | Oct 9, 2021

Hello from Angola 💗

I just want to say thanks w3school for such a great content.

Hecroesmo | 12/10/2021

"Greetings from Chicago! Thanks for the tutorial."

Harrison | October 9, 2021

      😍Hello World 🙏 of GIT.
      It's great to be learning a new technology.
      I have previous experience with centralized version control systems, namely Perforce and SVN.
      But GIT is exciting. Happy Learning!👍
      Atul | 07 Oct 2021 | Patna, Bihar, India

"Greetings from Istanbul, was a good tutorial thanks for your effort."

yusuf | Sep 23, 2021

"The education you provide makes the world a better place"

Wong | Oct 3, 2021 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"Greetings from Istanbul, was a good tutorial thanks for your effort."

yusuf | Sep 23, 2021

Gracias por el tutorial. Muy útil. 
Héctor | Sep 27, 2021
Greetings From Nigeria. 
Funsho | Mar 03, 2023

W3Schools, You are the best! Thank You!

From Russia with love!

This is not happening to you, This is happening for you 💙 
Thanks for providing such a good platform.
W3school provides a fantastic platform where I can learn how to program. 
Vansh Sharma | 23 September 2021

Hi, guys

I Would Like To Say islame is not a terrorism

Hi guys! Cheers!!
Rahim | Sep 27, 2021
Greetings from my local git repo bros. 
ibrahim | Sep 15, 2021
One last game, one more try..... So it goes... :)

Hello everyone. This is my pull request, yo!

supermike from russia

"Thank you W3Schools."


IT has a great documentation ,no need to see the video lecture after reading through this documnetation

Dhruv Tiwari

Amazing tutorial, Thanks W3schools

Abdul Motaleb From Bangladesh

Hi !!! I am Saion Gupta. I am the founder of 10xCoderKids. I aspire to become 10xCoder and get to learn a lot from w3schools. I have a youtube channel where I post coding tutorials regularly.

Saion Gupta

"Live an object-oriented life!" ~ Tugbeh Emmanuel (@2gbeh)

"W3Schools, muito obrigado pelo tutorial sobre Git/GitHub, aprendi muito!"

José Lucas from Brazil

Hello Everyone

A lot of THANKS for w3schools

glozbeig | Nov 03, 2021

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


"Thank you W3Schools git tutorials."


"Are you passionate about learning git. Checkout W3Schools git tutorials."


"Thank you W3Schools, you are my favourite"

mehmet yilmaz

"You are the main actor in your life.Try the best in your life."

Hein Htet

Thank you W3Schools for Git tutorial.


"Thanks for the Tutorials w3schools"

Guy with potential

We're living in a world where no one's innocent, but at least we try...


"It's been great and rewarding working with w3school. Your tutorials have been so helpful"


"Learning Git is fun"


This is my first fork. If you're reading this, don't give up. I only have this to say.


gogogo ahead again


Smile. Not for anyone else, but for yourself.
Stay Safe and Healthy :)

-Gaurav Garg

"Thanks for all the tutorials for me learning git! :)"


"Thanks for all the tutorials! :)"


Sky is the limit




"Wow keep up the good work guys! Thanks for everything."


"Thank You w3schools"


"Let's make this world better guys"

Tanjona R.

"I learned so much things thanks to 'w3schools'"

Don T

"Thank You w3schools for the knowledge"


"Thank You w3schools"


"Muchas gracias w3schools"

Isabel From Spain

Thank you, for your many years friendly entry point to new technologies and ideas!

"Comfortable t-shirt"

MC Igu

Thank you W3 Schools

R. Ali

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Joshua J. Marine

Headache or not, I'm gonna do this! 😎


"The Future Is Now, Old Man Everybody"


"The ability to write clean, useful code coupled with being able to work collaboratively in a team will open opportunities for one across borders in today's digital world."


"Let's sit down and learn coding"

Khai Hoan Pham

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea"

E. E. Cummings

Thank you W3Schools team for this tutorial ,I love your website , it is the best ,and hello from Morocco to all coders around the world

"Hello World!"

Roman Yusupov

"Arise,awake and don't stop until the goal is reached."

Swami Vivekananda

“Coding is the language of the future, and every girl should learn it. As I've learned from watching girls grow and learn in our classrooms, coding is fun, collaborative and creative.”

Reshma Saujani

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

"And so the geek inherited the earth."

Edward Snowden

"Don't let that time go wasted"

Vaishnav Shyam

"Why do people look for problems where there aren't any"


"Dont hate anyone"


"Hacerlo simple es posible, pero no más simple."

Albert Einstein

Desde España

"Go Beyond Yourself."


"Chaque homme doit inventer son chemin."

Jean-Paul Sartre

"If I can do this, then there's hope for everyone."


"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."

Linus Torvalds

"I Got 99 Problems, But Writing Code Ain’t One."


" 1.Make it work, 2.Make it right, 3.Make it fast. "

Kent Beck

"SENAI Taguatinga Curso de JAVA turma QUA.209.019"

Luiz Felipe from Brazil

"Life itself is hard, but we got to find a way to navigate"


"Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth. We do not have to love. We choose to love."

M. Scott Peck

"I'm not afraid of falling, because I'm born to rise.

Kushang Shah

Hello its me albertojmarun

Hello, I'm come from VietNam

Greetings from harrydev

"Don't wish it EASIER, Wish you were BETTER."

Jim Rohn

"I am the ultimate hide and seek champion."


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."


Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

Gabit from Argentina

In my small journey through life, I discovered that the fear of failure has kept a lot of persons form starting. This as little as it may seems is a major barrier to greatness and success.

As a begining programmer many have told me that programming is for genuises, but i keep motivating myself daily with a quote that says;

"Nothing is impossible to a man that believes"
"You can achieve anything you set your heart to if your can discipline yourself to pay the price for it"

Thanks for your great tutorials that help me a lot!

Souleymane from France

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together

Hari From India

Your courses are soooo amazing. Can you make a tutorial on data structures and algorithms?

Michael from Nigeria

Thanks a lot W3Schools SG from India

I am learning from W3Schools, and they are great. Thanks for that.

Never Settle

Harsh From India

Muchas gracias

Isabel from Spain

Thanks a lot W3Schools SG from India

I'm micun, learning git from W3Schools.

Keep going.

With love from Croatia

These tutorials are the best, infinite thanks W3schools' team

J.Seb From Chile

"whats good homeboy"

Emperor Palpatine

Hi, I started my tech journey with w3schools and it's been a wondeful, exciting experience.

Thanks for all you do at w3schools

Hengage From Nigeria

completing W3Schools Git tutorial

Yinghan from Singapore

Thanks W3Schools for your efforts. I loved the learning experience.

Muhamamd Nabeel From Egypt

Thanks for making a complex topic a whole lot easier to understand!! The w3schools team is awesome!

La novedades, cambian el ambiente de trabajo y da lugar a nuevas oportunidades.

Miguel desde Perú

Thanks for helpful tutorials. Also thanks for adding Kotlin series :)


"Thank you for good knowledge, I'm glad to have such a good website."


pleasant experience with w3school


Thank you w3s for this course and the other ones as well! You guys are changing a lot of people's life 😄

Daniel M. from Brazil

A Great Work, beat all things. God bless you.

Eduardo Mejias Avila; with Love ❣ from Venezuela 💪 😎 @AvilaPro

If you want to shine like the Sun, first burn like the Sun


I had learned alot from w3schools Thanks for that.

Ahmed from NIGERIA

"the most important thing in coding is to have fun doing it."

"& remember to kow your limits and try to break it everytime you stuck in something."

mahmoud bebars

thanks fogr giving chsdfsd

Thank you W3Schools, you are a beacon of light in my coding journey.


Thank you W3Schools for all these tutorials and exercises. Learnt alot of stuff from this!


Thank you W3Schools for Git journey.


What have in your hand, Just do it, Don't put the things on Time. Time can flip any Time


"Great Resource for Git and Github Tutorial you made my life easier w3schools"

Rahul Pulagam From India

Thank you W3Schools for this tutorial.


Per aspera ad astra :-)


"Thank you W3Schools for Git and GitHub tutorial. I learnt a lot of stuff from you >3"

Salter Soang



Happy to be here. Thank you W3Schools for Git tutorial.

Anh Hoang

"Hello There"

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Amazing tutorial, really helped me out, thanks guys.

Balo From Brazil

Thanks w3schools for sharing knowlegment whit everyon!

JL Brasil


From VietNam

Be Blessed.


Thanks for the Great tutorial(s)!


Your documentations are really helpful , thank you!

SAHIL KUMAR from India!



Present day, Present time.

experimentum habere fun, discere.

Quetz fom Mexico

Awesome tutorial!


Noice very like tutorial!


Thank you so much for the documentation, you are the best

JD HINCAMAN from colombia!

Great tutorial!!! Greetings from Greece!


like tutorial!

Bhph82 from India

Thank you for the nice tutorial! I'm learning to code and found your lessons a great way to get started with git/github, it's being really useful.

Eduardo Demuner from Brazil

Thank you for the nice tutorial! it's being really useful.

Thabo Gumede from South Africa

Thank you W3Schools for helping me begin on my coding journey! I am so thankful to have a wealth of resources at my disposal for free.

Amy from Utah

Thank you W3Schools for helping me begin on my coding journey! I am so thankful to have a wealth of resources at my disposal for free.

Sofyen from CO

Thanks a lot, W3School! You are great teachers!

Alex from Russia

Greetings from Ireland!

Ben Lawlor | Nov 09, 2021

"Greetings from brazil! Thanks W3schools!"

Adrian | november, 2021

Finally understand git and version control

THANK YOU W3schools !!


I learned a lot of basic and advanced knowledge thanks to W3Schools.

Long from Viet Nam at 7:05 PM 11/20/2021

Greetings from Belarus! Thanks W3schools!

Zmicer, 22 november, 2021

I love elephants!

Oleg, 01/12/2021


JP, 22/04/2022

hey guys Mawit here from Cameroon

thanks to you w3schools for the lake of knowledge you make available to us,
and happy learning friends

Thank you w3schools!

Chapmann Chow from Hong Kong


Thank you so much w3schools!

Praful Chaudhari from India.


☘ ☘ ☘

GIT is so far the most inspiring thing i've learned at w3schools!

Kate Khokhlova with greetings from Kharkiv, Ukraine

I'm Learning Git & GitHub with w3schools.

Thanks W3Schools!

From Panama

Juan Jurado, 09/12/2021

This is my practice for repo

Thanks W3Schools!

From VietNam

I love you!

Thanks everybody in w3schools who tries to simplify the learning new tech.

w3schools works for me like a cheetsheet.


Hello w3schools.

You've been a good source for learning. Thank you

Karikari from Ghana

Hi everyone!!!

Thanks W3Schools!

Very nice tutorial!

Thanks for all the help, 2022-01-09

Welcome everybody!

Greetings from Pcim, 2022-01-15

Hello😍 World. Learning git is fun. Goodbye!

Hi, Im Ghazal

Thanks for the tutorial


Ha sok cseresznyepaprikát madzagra fűzünk, abból lesz a paprikakoszorú.
Ha viszont nem fűzzük fel őket, nem lesz belőlük koszorú. Pedig a paprika ugyanannyi, éppoly piros, éppoly erős. De mégse koszorú.
Csak a madzag tenné? Nem a madzag teszi. Az a madzag, mint tudjuk, mellékes, harmad­rangú valami.
Hát akkor mi?
Aki ezen elgondolkozik, s ügyel rá, hogy gondolatai ne kalandozzanak összevissza, hanem helyes irányban haladjanak, nagy igazságoknak jöhet a nyomára. (Örkény István)


If we tie a lot of cherry-peppers on a string, they’ll make a pepper-wreath.
However, if we don’t tie them on a string, they won’t make a wreath. Although it’s the same amount of peppers, just as red and just as hot. But still no wreath.
Does it only lie in the string? No, it doesn’t. That string, as we all know, is an incidental, third-rate thing.
Then what?
People capable of brooding over it and taking care not to let their mind wander about, but keep them on the right track may get a scent of eternal verities. (István Örkény)

Thanks for W3Schools.

Chaiyasut | 21 Jan 2022

Hello World. Learning git is fun. Goodbye!

Hello from El Salvador

January 25, 2022

Thanks to W3Schools.

@@m | 2/2/2022

Thanks for the tutorial!

Tommi - 3/2/2022

Thanks for presenting content in really good maneer

Ameer from India 16/11/2022

Hello from Viluppuram

Feb 15, 2022

Thanks to W3Schools.

@@m |15/2/2022

Thanks W3School for this tutorial, i'm learning so much!!!

Franco from Italy

This is cool! Thanks!
Tuukka - Feb 6. 2022

Thanks to W3Schools.

Curlos - 2/4/2022

Hello World 😍
"W3schools has really impacted so much in my tech journey - Thank you"

Muhon, 10th Feb 2022

Hello. My simple edit. djbrooks

Feb 12, 2022

Thanks you W3Schools!!!

Damian from Argentina

Hello World! I'm saved by the blood of Jesus!

"God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

Thank you for this super helpful tutorial! I'm excited to learn more on my way to becoming a Back-End developer! I'll honor God through my work and studies!

I maybe the last one to commit . . .

But the tutorials are very good! 🖥️💾💿💽

But I'm still bad at C++

Hello @Everyone

Thank you w3 schools for your amazing support for the dev's

Thank a lot w3 school your website help a lot of delevoper around the world.

Chansocheat Sok 2/19/2022

Thanks for all the lessons!

danbaz101 on Feb 28, 2022

Hello from Indonesia

You can do it, Fighting!!!

By: SRZ Dev :D

I love W3Schools

Thank you for helping me to learn git and github

Now I am confident using it. Emekadavid from Nigeria

Love from india

Thanks w3schools for the fantastic hands-on experience for the complete github

praveen-raja from INDIA

Thanks you W3Schools!!!

Victor from Ukraine.


Jean from PH 03/10/22

great to be here

love SQL 17.03.2022

Hello and thank you to w3schools for this comprehensive tutorial on Git and GitHub.
Greetings from Germany
yesthatismyname on March 09, 2022

Thank you for the great Git tutorial!

Pawel Litwin, 15.03.2022

A Big Thanks & Lots of Love From India

Tushar Mohapatra19th March 2022

Thanks for all the great lessons that you provide!

Fabio, 18.03.2022

Love from china

Thanks w3schools for the fantastic hands-on experience for the complete github


Thank You For This Fun Tutorial!

AviK from Israel   24.03.2022

hello from dagestan

hello from dagestan


I love W3Schools

Thank you for helping me to learn git and github

Now I am confident using it. Alexandro from Russia

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”
- thank you w3 -

GB from Italy 26.03.2022

Thanks W3Schools for your amazing tutorials!

Bugahontas from Brazil - 31/03/2022

Thank you w3schools and See You in other tutorials :)

M4600 - 05.04.2022

Mohammad Hosein.

I'm from Iran .

You are full of unrealised potential. It’s important that you recognise them.

Maryam Mirzakhani

I'm quite confident, in some sense. Maryam Mirzakhani

Friday, Farvardin 12, 1401 AP Date in Karaj, Alborz Province.

Fri, 01 Apr 2022 17:54:39

Thanks W3Schools for a wonderful tutorial. Keep it up guys!
From an avid fan of yours - 08/04/2022

Thank you so much from gms461!

The best exprience ever! Thanks!

Kenyans Come here too!

And we love it. Thank you W3SCHOOLS
This Git Zone is wonderful

30 April 2022

Nikkis was here, thanks!

Thank you W3Schools! - 07/05/2022

humendra here!Thank you W3Schools, Learned a lot from you.- 12/05/2022

Hi! I'm Barby! I've started this journey on my own and W3Schools is part of it. I just wanna say THANKS.


W3Schools rocks!!!
From an avid fan of yours - 08/04/2022

Daniel Kamsiyochukwu Nicholas from Nigeria was here, 20/05/2022


James from USA 05/23/22

Yusuf Kesgin from Turkey was here. Happy coding!



Simone De Bartolo from Catania, thanks W3Schools


Thanks W3Schools for the tutorial
From Thomas Njoroge - 26/05/2022

I'm quite confident, in some sense. Anjali Rathor

neemuch,madhya pradesh,India .

wed, 01 june 2022

Thanks W3Schools for the tutorial
From Anil DOLLOR - 1/06/2022

Thanks W3Schools for the tutorial
From Anil DOLLOR : ) , Neemuch Madhya Pradesh, India

31 May 2022

Anjali Mahawar

From Neemuch (M.P.) India - 01/06/2022

"Thank you W3Schools" - 08/06/2022

Now I can work with others without fear of messing up, thx w3schools :D

From Kevin - Montpellier, France - 06/06/2022

Poonam Dhangar

From Neemuch (M.P.) India - 06/06/2022

Makoto Studying

Thanks for the lessons, I've learned a lot and hope to continue for as long as I am able!

~Marim 6-4-22

Smit Shah

From Bhavnagar (Gujrat) India - 04/06/2022

Thanks team for making these awesome tutorials and making them available for everyone for free. You're the best

MarconiCodes from Zimbabwe

Thank you for your best tutorial in the world!!!

I'm a fan! I love you!

Hello there! w3Schools helps me alot. Greetings from Brazil!

Diego Costa - 2022

"Hey, hey, hey, hey now. Don't be mean,; we don't have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are."

"Close to finishing w3schools Git Tutorial... Now I need to start doing this for my projects (T_T)"

That One Git Noob

Sunil from New Delhi, India - 11th June, 2022 has best tutorial in the world!!!

I'm thankful to!


Verolls 2022/06/14

"Do whatever you want with this repo but dont make it bored"


Graduated in Git and GitHub - hydralisk3 - SV

Gracias W3 desde Madrid


From Google 6/15/22

"Thanks for the journey. Leart a lot!!"

Dexter liu from New Zealand

Create by Allen

Added by Manger George

W3Schools is great. I'm very thankful. Loved the tutorial.

Kibi from Ethiopia - 2022

"Thank you for the Git tutorial!"


Great tutorial. Thank you.

Dejan Zmijanac was here!


Thanks W3School for your tutorials! - Brown

- From Vietnam with love ~ May,2023 -

Love you w3schools

from India 25.01.2022


Brigesdha from ID 27/06/22

Great site and great tutorial, Thank you

BlueStone17, Italy, 29/06/22

Hi everyone! I'm from the Netherlands.

"Thank you for the Git tutorial! You're the best "

Israel Rojas

Thank your for your great lessons

Yangon, Myanmar, 01-Jul-2022

Thanks W3School

Flores-Oz, 5/07/22

"Thank you for the Git tutorial! You're the best "

Tal (and GitHub copilot)

The best tutorial on the web!

Mexico 31/07/22

I learned a lot in w3schools and It has helped lot of developer.

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

"Thank you for this tutorial!"

Greetings from Serbia

Amazing tutorial, really helped me out, Thanks for the tutorial.

Julius From Brazil


infraz1 from ID 27/06/22

Thank you for the tutorial W3School

"Thank you for the great tutorial! 08/06/2022

"Thank you for the Git tutorial! You're the best "

Iran SagharMax

"Gracias por el tutorial, aprendi los comandos basicos "

JJNM2422 vzla,08-07-2022

Thanks! and sorry Flores-Oz for stealing

Flores-Oz, 5/07/22

" How do I centre a div?


Thank you w3schools✨😆

Your tutorial is amazing & impressive. I'm very thankful. Hope you have a happy life!

From Vietnam, 17/7/2022

Thank you for such a great tutorial.

Emre / Türkiye / 18.07.2022

Thank you for this amazing Git and GitHub tutorial! Hope to pick up more technical skills from W3School!

--- jw from Malaysia

Ousmane, China
Thanks so much w3school for the provision of free resources to global learners.
I have benefit a lot from your rich contents over the years.

"This is my first time learning GIT, thank you W3school"

Shawn, 20/07/2022

"w3schools is the best website for learning."

Ashkan Khani

Thank you very much W3Schools. I really like the way the courses are formatted.

- Francis from Philippines

"My love for is unlimited, it has been a helping hand for me right from beginning Thanks for all you do. You are the best."

Hammed Bello from Nigeria

"Instagram pbx__malhi folow me there"

Jagdeep Singh

"Hi Hello"


"satyam sharma is the"

Ashkan Khani

melih was here

"Thank you so much for the tutorial!"

W3school is Amazing

You are the Best

"Thanks for this amazing tutorial and for the opportunity to get my hands dirty with GiT!"


"Insightful and buttressed my learning"

Oyefule Oluwatayo

My congratulations to W3schools for this awesome tutorial

Andrés Conde Rodríguez from Spain

Thank a lot w3 school your website help a lot of delevoper around the world.

"Make it as simple as possible , To Deliver the edge of git (VCS) contribution

" Thank you for w3School "

Suraj Kr. Sharma ( INDIA )

Thanks to w3schools for the amazing work

Owzbi from Nigeria

Thanks for the tutorial!

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin

Thanks W3school for the tutorial!

Tutorial quite simple to understand for beginers --> Great work again!

"Thanks a lot!"


Thank you for the helpful tutorial!!

Greatest tutorial about Git

Thanks for the tutorial!

Thanks for the tutorial!

Thanks for the incredible job. Have a good day!


thank you w3school

Keep calm and learn with

Devilish Hairdresser, uma série de 10 jogos lançados no GirlsGoGames e sites associados dos anos de 2009 a 2013...

flash do Anjo e do Diabo, procurando cada pepita de informação que posso encontrar.

Depois disso, exploro minuciosamente o raciocínio por trás de uma interpretação popular de sua dinâmica.

Thank you for the tutorial, it'll come in handy for college!

Thank you very much W3Schools. A well structured course.

- Luke

Thanks from Sweden!

Thank you w3schools for your efforts and beginner friendly tutorials

Learn from yesterday

Live for today

Hope for tomorrow

The important thing is to not stop questioning

animated-turkey-flag-image-0001 Mehmet Hüsnü Celik animated-turkey-flag-image-0001

animated-turkey-flag-image-0021 Greetings From Turkey animated-turkey-flag-image-0022

Hello World!

Thank you very much W3Schools. A well structured course.

- Luke

Thank you for the tutorial

Hello and thank you!


If you think math is hard, try web development.

Mansoor Alamyar, Kabul-Afghanistan.

Thank you W3Schools. Thank you for the tutorial.

Very Very Thank W3Schools💖.Your are my Master

Just a test! Thank you, w3schools team!

"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."


quoted by Legend-Duck

Thank You W3Schools !!
Благодарам W3Schools!!

 -Дарко Сасански

Thank You W3Schools !!

Thanks a lot for the tuto

Thanks for the tutorial W3 School!

Thanks for the all the amazing content

Agwe Bryan from Cameroon 👍 🥰

Thanks a lot for this awesome tutorial

added new line

Amazing Tutorial

Thanks for the tutorial W3 School!

Thanks for the all the amazing content

Ahmed Gamal Dakhly from Egypt/Minya 👍 🥰

Thank you for making this tutorial, W3Schools! ~MP

Very good tutorial!

Thanks very much, have a great day.

Thank you very much for the tutorial!

This is the best way to learn ever. Thank you W3Schools!!!

- Ralph

Thank you for teaching us
Mexico City.

Thanks for this great tutorial!

Thanks for this tutrorial!

Thank you for this tutorial

Thank you(w3Schools) for such a wonderfull git tutorial. :)

Thank you for teaching us

Thank you for this great tutorial w3schools! - Someone from France

Thank you...

Thank you w3schools so much for this course

I learned a lot from this course and a lot of your other courses :)

Thanks for great tutorial W3School! from Philippines

Thanks for this tutorial.
Mambet Aibar

Thank you for the wonderful git tutorials s
Thank you for teaching us ... jaber

좋은 깃 강의에 감사드립니다.


I'm very grateful for this for course
Git tutorial 2022 is good

Thank you for these great tutorials.
Mahammad from Baku, Azerbaijan.

Thank you.
some guy from US.

Hello! I'm A.M. Shohan from Bangladesh.
Thank you very much W3School.

Thank you for the lessons! Pietro.

Thanks Allah 💖

Thank you W3Schools, Lots of Love from India. I love computers because you made it easy for me.


very grateful to you for providing such a wonderful content, lots of love

Thank you for the tutorial!

⭐ Thank you W3School for the amazing Git Tutorial ⭐

Greetings from San Luis Potosí, México.

Thank you for the tutorial!

Thank you for the tutorial <3< /i>

Thank you for these amazing tutorials, they helped me a lot. Cheers from Brazil - Daniel.

Hi there 🤙

Thank you very much for the tutorial! Best wishes to you.

Thank you w3shools for this tutorial ❤️

Greetings from Kampala, Uganda

Thank you for the very nice tutorial. You rock!

Marcio, Brazil

some text about thanking w3school

Ciao a tutti and thank you to W3Schools!

W3Schools is the best & simple learning website i have ever seen!

Thanks to W3schools! Love from Bangladesh.

Thank you fro tutorial

Zougha, Morocco

Thank you to W3Schools! for great tutorial

Thank you to W3Schools!

⭐ Spend 2 days going through this tutorial. Simple and clear. Many thanks! ⭐

From Alan Phillips, Portsmouth UK.

Thanks W3School for this cool tutorial! Greetings from Cracow, Poland

Piotr, 25 Dec 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

学到了很多! 谢谢侬!

-From Shanghai, China

Thank you W3schools for this so wonderful tutorial, really much appreciated!. ROCK!

Carl, SouthEast Asia

"Happy New Year!!! Hakuna Matata" - Skill Rox ,27/12/2022

W3Schools, you've been a life saver. Thank you for all that you do, Ibukun from Nigeria

"Thank you for teching me ^__^" - Sk>

Thank You So Much w3schools

Thank you W3schools for this so wonderful tutorial, really much appreciated!. ROCK!


Thank you W3schools for this so wonderful tutorial, really much appreciated!

AW, Fulda

Thanks a lot for sharing this great tutorial! this is not the first time I've used w3schools, you have taught me a lot over the years!

Javad from Iran.

Thank You W3Schools !!
Greetings from Portugal!

 -Tiago Brito

Congratulations for such an amazing job w3schools. Greetings from Bolivia

This is your host Sajib Hasan.

Thanks to ✔w3schools✔ for being such nice and generous at sharning this wonderful knowledge to everyone freely!

"My open-source contribution. PROUD!"


Thanks for the Tutorial!

From Zach

Thank you w3schools!

The best place for learning!!!

Evgeniy from Belarus, 2023

Thanks W3 Schools For Making Learning Easy

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minus porro culpa incidunt voluptatem quis cumque sint, consequatur libero nam aperiam placeat! Totam quis corporis mollitia iste blanditiis possimus tenetur dignissimos.

-John Doe

thanks for this tutorial

Ooooooooooooh w3schools!

The best place for learning!!!

Evgeniy from Belarus, 2023

"My open-source contribution - thank you to w3schools!"


"First Ever OS Contribution! Please merge this!"


Thanks for the tutorial!

Thanks W3Schools!

bealfredo, 2023/01/25

"Big KUDOS to W3Schools"


Thank w3school for this tutorial!!!
By Nick Chen from Taiwan

This is curryflex changes

This text change from local repo.

Thank You W3Schools !!
Greetings from Belgium!


Big thanks to w3schools team! You are amazing. Keep up the good work.
-From Iran by scriptax - March 4, 2023

Sow a thought and you reap an action;
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit and you reap a character;
Sow a character and you reap a destiny.

"Thank you W3Schools! - 02/03/2023"


Thank you W3Schools for a clear and very cleverly designed tutorial. It was a true pleasure to learn from you!

Mark Szente, Budapest, Hungary

"I am grateful to W3Schools for their exceptional tutorials and dedication to providing comprehensive and user-friendly content, which have been an invaluable resource in expanding my coding knowledge."

Fernando F Robazzi - 2023-03-20

Greatful for the opportunity to be able to use the great resource plaform. Thank you w3schools

Thank you for providing this great tutorial, and for free!

I think I screwed up, let me try again

"Great job on providing free tutorials, w3scooles! I belive there is a lot of hard work behind what we see here. Thank you very much!"

Bogdan Cerveneak


Hello from fjorg58, Canada

Thank you W3Schools for proving this great tutorial

Bonne journée à tous!! Auf wiedersehen!!

Thank you very much to the guide!
Ps. had to copy the code to add this message (unfamiliar with html lol).
- 28/03/2023


Thank you for providing this great tutorial, and for free!

I think I screwed up, let me try again

Thank you w3schools, I learned a lot

Abdul Qadir Amin, Kabul, Afghanistan

Thanks for the tutorial!

Thanks this tutorial helped me a lot!

Thanks for making this tutorial

If we don't save the Earth, who will?

Thank you for such amazing content for free

Lovely clear website and tutorial. Well done! - Chris

“Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder.”

- Gildarts Clive (Fairy Tail)

Made with love by DrinVerse © 4/18/23

Thank You W3Schools for your free tutorials! Keep on keeping on!! 😎


Thank you very much for your step-by-step, clear and excellent tutorial about Git and GitHub

Saba & Ehsan, urmia-Iran

Thank you very much for your step-by-step, clear and excellent tutorial about Git and GitHub

Onkar Kadam from INDIA

The Humble beginning


Gracias al tutorial, saludo desde México

I think this is the best place to learn about programming. After learning form W3Schools☀️❤️ I can recommend all to go visit W3Schools💖.

Thank You So much.🤗🤗

Learning Git Tutorials From

Hello Everyone, I am Jimmy Jayant from India. It is a very wonderful moment for me to join this learning platform. I have already learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript tutorials from this platform. And I am currently learning Git tutorials. This amazing tutorial teach us to work in teams and how to collaborate on code. I wish best of luck to everyone learning on this platform.

Thank you w3school for your wonderful content on web development!

Thank You, W3Schools!

I want to express my sincere gratitude for your outstanding tutorials on Git and GitHub. Your comprehensive and accessible lessons have equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to confidently contribute to open source projects. Your commitment to providing high-quality educational resources, including the W3.CSS framework, has been instrumental in my learning journey. The clarity and simplicity of your explanations have made complex concepts approachable, enabling me to grasp them with ease. Thanks to your tutorials, I am now an active participant in the open source community, making meaningful contributions and collaborating with others. Your impact on my development as a programmer is immeasurable, and I am truly grateful for the opportunities your tutorials have provided.

Name: Emmanuel Xs

Date: 22 May, 2023

Hello World

Fun learning Git from w3schools!

Hi all, My name is Mridul and I had fun learning about how to use Git and GitHub. I will be incorporating this into my daily projects!!

""Amerikan emperyalizminin yarı sömürgesiyiz, dedi Hikmet
Nâzım Hikmet vatan hainliğine devam ediyor hâlâ.""

Nâzım Hikmet

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Thank you for providing this great tutorial, and for free!

Terima kasih

Thanks a lot for great tutorial!

W3Schools thank you very much for the tutorials!

Greetings from Brasil! I'd like to thank you for all this content. It's incredibly easy to learn following your explanation and didatics.

Don't expect to find happiness at the end of your path. Instead, enjoy your journey and make all the process count!

Bruno Volpe | May 6, 2023

Message from Mhd, Pakistan:

Thanks for the Git tutorial. It was quite helpful.

Posted this message on: 05/06/2023

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."


W3Schools has provided free and accessible web development education to youth in developing countries, empowering them to pursue careers in technology. Many thanks to you guys!



Thanks for such a good tutorial. Git is one of the bricks to build reliable and solid foundation.

20 May 2023


Thank you w3schools✨😆👍

Always learning and clearing doubts with you

May 17, 2023


“To die for one's country is a man's privilage,

but to die and be reborn is a man's duty.”

Thank You

Thank you for the tutorial. I've finally got the hang of Git!

Judith from Nigeria

"The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct."

William of Ockham

Thank you so much for this tutorial

caotrungphi from Vietnam, 02/06/2023

Thanks for the tutorial W3 School!

Thanks for the tutorial!

- J. Aliprandi

it was a biggggg help

- ilia farzi

Thanks for the tutorial!

- Vivek Pandey

Thanks for the tutorial!

- Ali Taher

Great Tutorial!


Buenas, un placer.

- Toutl


thank you for providing us for free

This was a great tutorial from w3schools.


Zubair is thankful to w3school.


Estoy muy agradecido por el tutorial, realmente me ha ayudado mucho. Gracias W3Schools!

Thanks W3school for the service. Git and Github is worth learning here.

This message is from AreParameswarudu

Thank you W3 schools for this tutorial.

A great service for a greater reason.

Thank You for Your Git Tutorials

Dear W3Schools Team, I wanted to extend my gratitude for your excellent Git tutorials, which have been instrumental in helping me understand and utilize version control effectively. Thank you for providing such valuable learning resources.

Mahbod Hosseini from IRAN

This is a message from Hoang Ngoc Anh Vietnam

Thanks W3Schools For This Awsome Git & Github Tutorial

Regards From Sudhanshu Kumar - India

Thank you! Now I finally know what GitHub is!!!

- Chungeun Lee

W3Schools is amazing!🌟

Thank you for making it easier for people to learn and grow in their careers

I decided to make a career change and W3Schools has been my go-to source of study material on C language and GitHub basics! Thank you, W3!

- Capolo

Happy to be here! Successful comes from your hard working! Never give up! Love W3Schools, my new family ^^

Maa chudi Padi Hai

Roma Robot 😎

Thank you for amazing possibility to learn! People and Robots become closer to each others! 🦾❤️💪🏻

Greetings from Germany and many thanks for your tutorials!

You are incredible!

keep studying and you will be an excellent developer

thanks for W3schools to teach me :) 24/07/23

W3Schools !🌟

Great Website!

hey, motat learnt some Git


Thank you a million for the opportunity to learn Git and various others technologies on your website!!! It's one of the bests I've encountered and it improved myself as a professional a lot :] Love from Brazil and omg so awesome this forking idea, I hope I get accepted!
- Dani Modesti

Hello everyone!

Thanks for the tutorial!


Learn Git
― W3Schools 🚀

Nice Tutorial

08/08/2023 :)

Saludos desde Urda(Toledo-España)

Muchísimas gracias por todos los tutoriales

I glad to meet everyone :>
and thank for the tutorial !

2023-08-09 Jason Xu

Merci W3schools

je vous remercie pour vos efforts, toujours claire et concis "AMed". Salut tout le monde.

Very usefull tutorial and great platform!

Hello World!


Cristiano ronaldo


sport clup internacional

I wanna be part of that worldddddddddddd

Hello, i make this in day 8/10/23, and i play Genshin Impact my favorite characters is the Xiao and Noelle

Xiao Noelle

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler. Moko wenne"


Hello this is Sanjay Kumbhkar

My comment on 23 Aug 2023

Musthak Ahamed
Edited on 08.22.2023
Oskar Sundelin. Thank you for the tutorial.
Written on 24-08-2023

"Hello there"

Hello community!!!
Graet course!!!. Thanks to W3schools for all their amazing and clear tutorials, it has been a humble and exciting path learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and now Git & GitHub.

- Anniel from Cuba, 2023-08-29 -

        Hello there! Feels good to be learning Git.
        from Kenya.
        Halo yang ada disana, Terima kasih untuk tutorialnya.
	Salam dari Indonesia.

“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.”

Jim Carey

        Hello there! Feels good to be learning Git and GitHub.
        Matrix, from planet Earth.

Thank you w3schools for taking your precious time to create this!

George Kioko

From Africa; Nairobi, Kenya!

I completed w3 school git and github course .Really easy and step wise expalnation. I share to my friends and love it. so understandable and intersting . we keep supporting to you all.💗💗💗💗💗😎😎😎😎(●'◡'●)(●'◡'●)(●'◡'●)

I completed the git course from italy on W3 School - re_ema

Hi greetings from india🇮🇳

The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.


~Psalm 118:24 (NIV)

You are late Denny, Ivan! I am here 20230907. HeHe!

By Handsome Daddy Jason


"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

Which pain do you choose?, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

Good look

Hello From Uganda . Finally contributed

Never give up on your dreams. At your point of highest discouragement or disappointment is when you should push hardest and never stop

Hola desde México, aqui contribuyendo.

Hay que seguir adelante, y no dejar de aprender.

Akwaaba from Ghana! Don't forget to love Everyone that comes your way!

Nihao! My first class in W3Schools, Thank you.


Nihao! My first class in W3Schools, Thank you.❤️



Amir :-)

Thanks for your tutorial course💗😎

Umair Spark

Hello my fellow I'm From Sangla Hill, Punjab, Pakistan.)

Kashif Ayaz

W3 Schools is best

Hi, this is Anirban from India

Hello, thank you for the tutorial guys :D

Hello, thanks for the tutorial, it's awesome!

Łukasz from Poland 🤍💖 here,

Thank you guys for teaching us all! We would be nothing without you.

Have a great day everyone! 💜

Hello, Thanks guys for all you do!!, you rock!

Hello, Thanks W3school guys for all you do!!, very Helpful!

Hello, best regards from Bali, Indonesia

Hello, fellas! I'm Themy from Indonesia. I am a full time student and my major is Computer Science

For those people who contribute in W3Schools, i just wanted to say thank you for you guys!
It's very helpful website to learn everything about computer tools and programming.
Hope to see all of you one day, chit chat and drink some coffee together.

Greetings to whom reading this

This was a great course. Thank you all.

Thank you guys for this tutorial

Hi W3Schools!. Thank you for your usefull tutorials, not only about Git! 👍 05.10.2023

W3schools you are the best! Greetings from Split, Croatia (09/10/2023)

Hi W3schools!!!

Thanks for the tutorials :)



"My open-source contribution - thank you to w3schools!"



Thanks W3Schools!

bealfredo, 2023/01/25

"My open-source contribution - thank you to w3schools!"



Thanks W3Schools!

bealfredo, 2023/01/25

"The helpful thought for which you look is written somewhere in a book"

Somebody on the internet

Hello W3Schools.

Thank you for all of your tutorials.

They have helped me to prepare for my upcoming bootcamp.

Thank you for the amazing tutorial! - Charli

Thank you for this tutorial! :)

Hello, Continue your Best Tutorials for every aspiring Developers!, best regards -amkrM from Olongapo City, Philippines

Thank You W3schools for Your wonderful courses! You are doing good things. I wish everyone success in fulfilling their aspirations!

"Learning git is fun from w3school"


Thank You W3schools for Your wonderful courses! You are doing good things. I wish everyone success in fulfilling their aspirations!

"Learning git is fun from w3school"


Hi W3Schools!

Thank you for the tutorials, they helped me a lot!

Wish everyone best in their path, love from Istanbul!


Thank you for the tutorials, W3Schools!!!


I appreciate you, thank you.

The tutorials you prepared are of very high quality and helped me a lot.

Respect and love from Turkey. Peace.


only the most creative messages from me!

Keep working hard (but smart)!

Thank you for teaching Git, W3Schools.

To those in need, leave negative energy in the past by purifying dark memories in flames. You will sleep better.

Thanks for the great tutorial!

- Eryth

W3schools == a good place to learn

Respect and love from Portugal. Peace.

And i am out!

João Figueiredo.

Thank you for teaching me how to use Git!

1456541 - Better days are yet to come!

Matas - Matirgo

Been fun learning GIT

The stuff of Earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the giver of all good things.

Just another message to pull a request

w3schools is a geat platform for learning coding

thank u very much

Just a message to learn how to push on a fork in Git

Thx! Greetings from Madrid. cdlv

Hello from Svalbard, Norway

G'day from Tamworth, Australia!

I was here.
Leaning GIT.

Have a great day! ~ David

Great love from Mali

I have now a good notion of Git and Github.

Hi everyone - Kuba was here! Greetings from Poland!

Hello from Taiwan~ Thank you for making this tutorial and everyone's messages! It feels so warm 🫶 2023.11.16

Thank you w3schools for your contributions to the programming community! This is the easiest tutorial to follow thru with git! - must108

Hello There!

Thank you so much for the tutorial!

Have a nice day!

Hello, it was an amazing and insightful experience learning git and git hub from w3 right from scratch

Hello from Alunno DiProva.

I am inevitable!

- Evil Danny Phantom said it first, not Thanos.


W3Schools helped me learn so much about coding

I'm so happy to have found this site and I am forver grateful

Love from the Philippines

João Figueiredo.

Um dia chegará sua hora. Disciplina e foco

Precisar de alguma ajuda, so me chamar no instagram guiarmanlistrong/

Hello There!

Thank you so much for the tutorial!

Have a nice day!

Hello There! I am Amirali

Thank you so much for the tutorial!

Wish you the best


Thank you for the tutorial!

Have a nice day!



I was here.
Learning GIT, You did amazin job, thank you w3school.

Hi This is Amit from India
Learning Git was amazing.

My friends, keep learning, w3schools have very good tutorials. And git will help you a lot with coding.

Greetings. Simon E. Mexico. 30/11/2023

My friends, keep learning, w3schools have very good tutorials. And git will help you a lot with coding.

Greetings. Simon E. Mexico. 30/11/2023

My sincere thanks to w3schools for all the teaching and quality provided.

From Brazil, Gustavo B. Esposar - Dec 06, 2023


















Thanks for this content

Hello guys, I'm tryna learn Git

Thanks W3schools for the free resources... 12/19/23

Hello, thank You for teaching so well

Have a nice, productive year :-)

Hello World!

Welcome to W3school and 2024, fellow learners

Also, get rickrolled
A Rickroll a day keeps the sadness away
Siga em frente, tenha foco, e se cair, levante e continue

Thanks W3schools


This is Dina Rolinza, Thank you so much for the Git and Github tutorial! ❤️

Hello, I am kiarieAmos. Glad to be here.
Thanks so much 26/12/2023

Hello, I am FireRiver
Thanks so much for the GIT tutorial !!! ....... 3/1/2024

Hi, I'm WardVT from Belgium
Thanks for this great tutorial on git! - 4/1/2024

Привет, я Адитья Джайн from भारत (01/28/2024)

Really enjoyed this tutorial by W3Schools. Committed to committing more 😂



Hello My Name is Anil Dollor 15July2024

Hi thanks for tutorial, show must go on!

Hi, this is Malek. Great tutorial, Thanks!

Hello, World! 9/1/2024

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives."
- Lemony Snicket
P.S. Greetings from Italy & thank you!

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde


Thank you so much! ❤️

Hello, thank you for the tutorial

Have a nice, productive year :-)

"Thank you for w3schools"


Hello Everyone!

Thanks for tutorial.

thanks for the tutorial


thanks for the tutorial

It's great to be here!

Thank you W3 for everything

Love from Istanbul, HanzadeLK❤️

Hello From USA

Wassup guys its your boy Eduard

Heres a picture of Me!

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for tutorial.

Thanks Eldar XD.


MD Alam

I am student of CSE

KIIT University bhubaneswar

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for the amazing tutorial.

I have learned a lot!.

Thank you for teaching me how to use Git!

Ivan from Zhlobin, Belarus

09.02.2024 ☮

Hello World from Liège, Belgium.

Thanks for the Git tutorial! I find it helpful.

This tutorial is awesome! Simple and understandable! Simply fantastic! Thanks a lot!

Thanks for lessons on git.

Good luck and new successes, everyone! ⭐

Thank you, w3schools, for your fascinating, effective, yet simple tutorials!

With love from Russia and Armenia, Boris ❤️

Greetings from Bahrain ♥

Finally, I can actually understand Git. Yipee!


Thank you so much!

Thank you w3schoos for this awesome git tutorial


Thaks a lot for this free resource


Hi everyone from Marco :D

W3SCHOOL is the best i love the way you base your courses.

Hello, Thanks for this excellent tutorial

Many successes to the w3schools team

Francisco from Venezuela

Glad to be a part of this!!!

Let's make w3schools✨ great (again)

Together forever


Thanks W3schools

Appreciate the effort you are putting to give us adequate learning resources

This is your buddy from Kenya

Thanks W3schools


from Malaysia

See You Soon Space Cowboy!

Thank you W3schools!

This was a great learning experience. Git is not for the faint at heart.

Education is not knowing the answer, but rather knowing where to look for it. Be blessed...

Many thanks W3shools for the concise and well guided Git and GitHub tutorial.

Thank you for your lessons w3schools
It's great to be here!

Saher Ayad (EGYPT)

"Thanks I understand Git & GitHub!"

CCC messages

"Thanks I understand Git & GitHub!"

CCC messages2

Emmanuel Here!

It's April 1st, 2024.

Thank you for this amazing Git/GitHub tutorial.

Thank you for your great GIT lessons w3schools
It's great to be here!

Greetings from Austria 🇦🇹
Lukas Eppacher

I will become a great developer through the w3schools. Thank you so much

Git Banner
Thank you for

Chin Guang here

Thank you W3School

for this amazing Git/GitHub tutorial.

what's up it's KM from Ahmedabad,India🇮🇳 picking up coding again with the odin project after a long hiatus

Loving the git course and much love to the w3schools community

Hope everyone finds happiness in their life makes it:))))

"Good luck to every one learning with W3School”

- Shruthik

Fred here

Muches gracies

agradecido x 100mpre.

😎 祝大家学习顺利!



I am Mahmood from Afghanistan

Thank you for this amazing tutorial

Craig Collins

Thank you for the help in learning GitHub.


Hi and Thanks! Love the GIT tutorials!

"Git good is a great pun."

Albert Einstein


Appreciate for the awesome course!

Vince Ybañez

What a legendary course! Simple, practicle, and great for beginners. 💗😎/p>

Thank you for the amazing tutorial, much appreciated!!!

Hanroux from South Africa

Hi w3schools!

You do a really great job! Thank you!

Hey i am suhail

Thank you git hub for this amazing tutorial

Love from india


Chopin's four ballades are the best music ever composed on piano.

Great Tutorial w3schools!

Anthony from Trinidad and Tobago


"Here's to the next 30,000 years on Spaceship Earth…" Spaceship Earth Narratior

Hello everyone from w3schools!


Tutorial does not match what I see in the version of GitHub I have downloaded, but managing to muddle through!

Mohammad arda 2024-05-16

Thanks for lighting the path to knowledge

Prasad Metkar 2024-05-16

Make your better version

Git & GitHub was fun!
Thank you for all the web development technologies related Tutorial. Also for Python, Java, C, C++ Tutorial.

Prasad Metkar 2024-05-16

Make your better version

"Good learning for begineer like me! Thanks"

SY, 2024-05-29

"Doskonały portal do samodzielnej nauki. Dziękuję bardzo!"


I'm Learning Git and Github with W3 School

picture of w3school

I'm from Sri Lanka too. I love learning all things Technology.

Thank you for teaching those technologies

Thank you very much

Thank you very much!

Thanks for all the great tutorials! But I must ask...

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion and also award-winning Stormblood expansion up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime.

Hi! all....

I'm learning git commands...

HTGA was here!



Thank you note to w3schools from Abel Kevin Kipkosgei

Dear W3Schools Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the wonderful Git course you have made available on your platform. The course is exceptionally well-structured, informative, and user-friendly, making the complex concepts of version control both accessible and easy to understand. The clear explanations, practical examples, and interactive exercises provided throughout the course have significantly enhanced my understanding of Git. As a result, I now feel much more confident in my ability to manage and collaborate on projects using this essential tool. Thank you for your dedication to providing high-quality educational resources. Your commitment to helping learners worldwide improve their skills is truly commendable and greatly appreciated. Warm regards, [Abel Kevin Kipkosgei]

Message from Mariem TN :

This is awesome !

This is a Brazilian message from Brenno! Muito obrigado W3Schools!

This is a Nay Lin Htike from Myanmar!

Thank You W3schools for Your wonderful courses! You are doing good things.

Keep up the great work on your tutorials!!!

They're amazing, exceptionally well structured, comprehensive and accessible.


thanks to w3schools!

Suchao B

This is Vladyslav Tsybuliak from Ukraine

Дякую W3schools за прекрасні курси! Хай Бог береже кожного!

here, stranger, have a cookie 🍪


this is message from xeon kivy

w3school has best tutorials


I'm learning git commands, thanks W3schools!

This is Homer Simpson from Springfield


Hector was here

Thanks W3SCHOOL!

You Are Really a Life Saver. Your Lessons Are Helping Many People In Their Coding Journey.

Adem Diari from Tunisia

Namaste 🙏 from India

Heartfelt Thanks to w3schools

"Empowering developers to transform their ideas into reality!"

Misaotra !

Thanks !

Thanks w3schools :D

Hello,your tutorials are awesome!

Nicosia Daniele Umberto / Umberto46

Happy To Be Here

Yearning for learning.

Salam 🙏 from Turkmenistan

w3schools toparyna köp sagbolsunlar

"Sanly nesil, sanly gelejek"

Greetings Earthlings 🚀 from Mars

Nexusflux thanks you all!

"Be Kind to each other and create a beautiful reality!"

Thanks for the tutorials!

From VN with love


Hello from Sweden!

"Empowering developers to transform their ideas into reality!"

Thanks W3Schools for always giving us good material to learn ❤️!

Mikhail Manco from Peru

Hello everyone from w3schools!

I am Rishabh from india

Hello W3 schools

"thank you for these helpful and detailed tutoroals"

"- smiley face"

Greeatings from Bulgaria!

Thank you for all the amazing tutorials!

Hello from Lima, Peru 🇵🇪🦙

Happy Coding!!!

Git Beginner from CN

Heartfelt Thanks to w3schools

"Empowering developers to transform their ideas into reality!"

Hi, I've two words

I'm batman

I have lost the spark in my eyes

but I guess it is what it is

"Thanks for teaching me how to use Git :)"

Joe from Cornwall

Doroud from Rasht, Iran

My name is Farnood

I'm so glad to have a opportunity to learn Git from W3schools.

Thanks W3SCHOOL!

I'm very happy to practice Git and use GitHub.

Imen from Tunisia

"Thx for the free lessons!"


Thanks for the tutorial.

You make people better

Thank you for the free resources, Amir from Iran ❤️

"W3schools you are the best"


Tehran, Iran

Thanks for the great and easy-to-read lessons about Git!

S. Navid Ashrafi from Mashhad

Thanks for the tutorial about Git!

J Tegh Singh

Hello everyone. Thanks from Uzbekistan

we build our own way!

Thank you w3schools! I have learned so much from you. Be kind everyone.



Thank you for an incredibly helpful tutorial!

Greetings from Ukraine🇺🇦

Murat YEsimbietov

w3school you're a lifesaver

mohamed ahmed,egypt

Message from Purpleacecard

19th August 2024

Step by step, it's all baby steps

Hey W3schoolers! Hope it's going great for you all!

And for the heads behind W3school, I'm all thankful and owe you all. Wish ya'll the best!

PouryaHOZ from Iran

My minimalist message to w3


Hello from the great white north.

Change by Jouona

thanks for the tutorial

A message from Rome, Italy

Greetings! A very good tutorial.

Message from Chile

Hi, everyone, have a nice programming day today!

Thanks for everything you're providing to me w3schools.

Albino Raúl Pedro

Message from Chile

Hi, everyone, have a nice programming day today!

Writing code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it's bad." - My code, probably

Hi my name is John Doyle. I am from michigan studying economics and computer science

thanks for this tutorial, w3rules

Hello every one

Change by AdrianMoreno-dev

Gracias por el tutorial:Cambio de ultima hora adicional

Gracias por el tutorial

hello i am xyz from Thimi,Nepal

i love my place and want to be a programmer. i hope it will come true.

This was an awesome tutorial,

as a physicist I will surely use all I learned.

Thank you from Trento, Italy!

I have finish the course
what an interesting experience
Keep moving forward

From BaoStar

Thanks to w3schools!

Thank you guys for teaching me, it will be useful for my career.

Thank you for the Git Tutorial! I don't remember everything, but these were very useful.

Thank you w3schools for teaching me Git in the simplest but most effective way!

- from Kaveesha

Message from Mayowa

Thank you W3Schools. Your platform has been very essential in my tech journey. I am very grateful for every free resources and tools you have provided for the aspiring tech enthusiasts.

With love from Nigeria

Thank you w3schools!


Hello there!

General Kenobi

Message from Neil

As a career shifter, one of my insecurities is git since it is one of the must requirements as a programmer but I don't have experience working on it.

But with your great help, I have one less thing to worry about. I am forever grateful to the greats who are behind this platform

Best regards from Philippines

Message from Neil

As a career shifter, one of my insecurities is git since it is one of the must requirements as a programmer but I don't have experience working on it.

But with your great help, I have one less thing to worry about. I am forever greatful to the greats who are behind this platform

Best regards from Philippines

Hello from Juan


Message from Aslan

Thanks, W3Schools for this amazing tutorial! It has helped me too much.

You all deserve a trophy.

Message from Marvin

Thanks a lot for the awesome tutorial! Very helpful without being overwhelming.

Message from Silverayer

Hello W3Schools!

I recently learned about GitHub and it is actually really fun knowing a large community of tech members where everyone helps each other!

It has been around three since i started the first lesson on your website and it helped me a lot to develop my fundamental skills in order to master them as well!

W3Schools Green

Thank you, W3Schools!

End of Message from Silverayer!

Message from Capricorn

You are amazing!

Be proud of yourself, and everything you have achieved so far.

Message from Zuma

Thank you W3Schools for your good contributions to humanity. Your platform has helped a lot of individuals who are starting their tech journey and shifting career paths. It is quite remarkable that this amazing and valuable resources are freely offered to people, and they can easily learn from it thoughtfully tailored tutorials and compelling interface.

Thank you W3Schools. You are one of the best things to happen to this world and programmers

Message from Navneet

It was a great experience to learn git from w3 school.

Thank you W3Schools. You are one of the best things to happen to this world and programmers

Greetings from


Hello World from K210!

Greetings from salahhasan-dev
thanks for this great tutorial on Git and Github, you are the best
written in 15/10/2024

Hello World from Siretfel!

Hello World from Lê Duy Phương - CtyBaoDoi

Hello World from Adam!

Greetings from Cambodia!

Thank you W3Schools for your amazing Tutorials!

Привет из Карачаево-Черкессии

سلاو لو خواتانه بو سایتان :*

Hello everyone!!! My name is Bogdan Big Boss and I love coding!!!

Hello Everyone from Thangbodoiqua - Viet Nam

Thansks W3S for this amazing tutorial

Hey guys, hope you have a nice day!

Hello from JTO

🌟 Hello from Raghuraj 🌟

سلاو لو خواتانه بو سایتان :*

Hello everyone!!! My name is Bogdan Big Boss and I love coding!!!

Hello Everyone from Thangbodoiqua - Viet Nam

Hey guys, hope you have a nice day!

🌟 Hello from Raghuraj 🌟

Hello from Denver

Привет из Москвы

Hello from Lebron

Greetings from Australia, thank you for the Git & Github tutorial! -barryweb

johnGalt stays here, by order of Peaky Blinders!

hello from Mehdi! thank you for your amazing content!


Hi everyone, this is Vincent from Equinim College!!!

Namaste from Ayush

Thank you W3Schools for your amazing Tutorials!

Hello this is Yohannes Manaye

I am from Ethiopia and i would like to say thank you for W3Schools for this fantastic tutorial!

for developer keep going

Bye Bye

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

- Oscar Wilde, Good Reads

I am Mohamed Ahad. I will become a web developer. Thanks W3schools for your tutorial.

Venimos en son de paz, permanezcan tranquilos. Saludos, soy Adrian de la UTEZ xD

Ghoniichan was here.

Michael Alan

Olá! Seja bem-vindo(a) ao meu perfil. Eu comecei a programar em PHP 7 e, desde então, não consigo mais parar 🥰. Aprendi muito construindo uma aplicação web e-commerce e utilizei outras linguagens: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL e jQuery.

Quero, com os conhecimentos que adquiri, poder ajudar pessoas e empresas que gostam de tecnologia.


Não hesite em tirar alguma dúvida. Pode me mandar um e-mail:

Greetings from Uzbekistan!

W3Schools is awesome!

Hello from Brazil

Thank you for your amazing tutorials! I had a hard time finding a nice Git Tutorial, this was the best!

I'm currently developing a business in the transformer monitoring area, using AWS solutions.

Augusto Moser

Hello from Iran

Thank you for these great tutorials!


Hello from California

Those tutorials are 👍🏻


Hello from Austria

Thank you for these great tutorials!


Hello from Austria

Thank you for these great tutorials!



Меня завют Александер!


Hello from Austria

Servus, danke für ois!


Hello from Pakistan

Thank's a lot for efforts!


Hello from Pakistan

Thank's a lot for efforts!

Zahid Hussain

Thanks for the great and detailed tutorial,

viele Grüße aus Deutschland!


Hello from Vietnam

I'm a student


Hello from JondZ; thank you for the tutorial!



My name is Artem!


Greetings !


Hello from Lagos, Nigeria

Thank's a lot for the tutorial!


Hello from Brazil🇧🇷

Thank's a lot for efforts!

Felipe Liandro Aka: TonyStark

In simplicity lies the solution to complexity

Thank's a lot for efforts!

Thank you!

Great training to start with git!

Thank's a lot for efforts!

Hello from Vietnam

Great job! Thank's a lot for efforts!

Hello I'm Ralph Joseph from Philippines

Thank you for this wonderful website W3Schools💖 I learned a lot!

Hello from India

Thank's a lot for the tutorial!

~ Allan

What I if told you

You read that first line wrong?

Hello from Clarksville Indiana, USA.

I appreciate W3Schools!

Hello I'm Leo from Philippines

Hello, i'm Matteo from Italy. Thank's a lot !

Hello. I'm Marcelo Hüning from Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Thank you W3Schools.

W3, thanks a lot for this great course.

Athens, Greece

Hello from Zilla Ghaziabad

Ram ram jii

Yuhoo, hi! Im Lyndon Lee Pacis from Philippines!!

Kumusta and lahat, may we all prosper.

Look for me, on the fith day look south

“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.”

–Terry Pratchett

hello pitambari

Thanks guys. Spookysploit was here.

Thankyou for all the knowledge. Vmacedo

Thanks W3schools this is very helpful.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint voluptates quod alias mollitia quaerat? Accusamus, nam. Incidunt, accusantium placeat maiores at quam aspernatur expedita iure officia dolorem sunt a quis!

hello from thailand

PM was here

Learning coding made easy!!!!

Thanks for your services w3School!!!!.

Greetings from Toni

Hello W3 Schools for creating page on git & github.

I appreciate your work. Thank you.

Greetings from Anas from Egypt!

Hello from spyde3rx

Thank you for the great tutorials!

Hellow World!!

Ahmed Was Here.


I am Benny.

Hi I am Aravind R Krishnan

I am from Kerala

Follow me on GitHub: aravind518398

A big thanks to W3Schools for their amazing Git tutorials! Their simple and clear explanations helped me understand Git easily.

Posted this Message on March 21 [2025]

Thank you for the tutorial!

That really helps a lot!


Thank you !!!

That really helps a lot!


Hallo, how is everyone, just a short msg :P hope everyone has fun, also how is everyones day going?